From the basics

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"Now that all the dead weight has left we can get down to business" Minho said.
Chan gave him a playful nudge from his comment getting a smirk from Minho.
A few minutes before this Jeonjin and Felix left with Hyunjin to go hunting for food. Since it was hitting dusk it was the perfect time to find some animals with their guard down and with 3 of them it would be easier to catch bigger prey.

Jisung had now gotten the courage to come out of the safety of the corner and sat with his back on the wall with his legs crossed sitting opposite Chan and Minho who were now sat next to each other in front of him.
"First of all, you need to know the system of us. We have the alpha, then betas and then omegas, most packs contain only one alpha however our pack is slightly different as both me and Minho are alphas." Chan said and as if one cue both of their eyes changed colour to a light red.
"But doesn't that mean you will both fight for dominance and for leader" Jisung asked.
"In most cases yes, however Minho willingly stepped down" Chan said.
"Yes it means less work for me" Minho laughed and got a look off Chan which just made it funnier.
"Anywaaayyy, as you can see our eyes change red. Betas turn blue and Omegas turn a golden brown. May we see yours?" Chan asked.

Jisung needed to make sure he didn't mess up. As a hybrid he can change his eyes into two different colours. Golden brown and a dark crimson. His parents trained him to bring up each on command so he could camouflage himself if in enemy territory.
However when he drinks blood from living beings his eyes instinctively turn blood red.
When he gets angry or survival instincts kick in he can use both his wolf and vampire powers which makes one of each eye the colours. One red, the other golden.
"Just feel the wolf inside of you and your eye colour should show" Minho said.
Jisung closed his eyes and took a breath then looked up at the two. His eyes shone a powerful golden brown. Minho looked in awe at Jisung's eyes.
"I've never seen such a beautiful omegas eyes" Minho said.
Jisung's eyes returned to normal and he looked at Minho. His heart started beating faster than usual as his eyes met with the boys. He felt something which he hadn't felt in a long time, a sense of safety. It wasn't much but it was something he had wanted for so long.
"Jeongin will be happy, he keeps complaining about being the only omega in the pack" Chan chuckled to himself.
"Your wounds seemed to have already healed" Minho said out of the blue.
Fear struck Jisung like a truck. If they had seen his injuries they would have known they would not have healed so quickly.
"Luckily you have been resting and you have been asleep for the past few days so you should be fully healed with only a few sores" Minho finished what he was saying and Jisung automatically calmed himself down.

He then clicked the information into his brain. He had been asleep for a few days. His mind went to his brothers, replaying the scene of Seungmin hitting the floor and Changbin telling him to run. Tears flooded to his eyes before he could stop them and ran down his cheeks. He curled himself into a tight ball blocking everything out.
Minho and Chan looked at each other with concern and confusion.
"Did I say something wrong?" Minho asked Chan who shook his head side to side and then nodded Minho to go to Jisung.
Minhos eyes widened who pushed Chan to do it.
"You go" Minho whispered.
"No you, your the first one who made contact with him. He will react to you better".
"I can't console people. You know what happened when Felix was crying. I didn't know what to do and shoved a piece of meat in his mouth to shut him up" Minho whispered back.
"Go" Chan wasn't listening to his excuses.
Minho slowly went over to Jisung and squatted next to him doing what he did before and rubbed his back. Only Jisung's muffled cry's could be heard.
"Shhh shhh" Minho softened his voice "it's alright".
He felt Jisung's grasp on his knees loosen slightly and kept doing what he was doing. While doing this Minho could smell a slight cinnamon smell come from Jisung. It was calming and relaxing while at the same time Jisung could smell a slight vanilla smell from Minho now he was so close. Despite Minhos original cold looks when he smiled he could light up the room. He felt safe. He felt warm.

Jisung lifted his head up at Minho who's eyes were glistening despite the grey cave walls. Tears still spilt from his eyes but they slowed down as Minho lifted his hand and wiped away the tears giving a small smile. He felt protective of this small boy, this small little puppy.
Instinctively, Minho grabbed Jisung's back neck and pulled him closer into his chest and wrapped his arms around him.
Startled, Jisung tensed up but then held onto Minhos shirt clutching it and not letting go, shutting his eyes and breathing in Minhos smell calming him down.
Chan watched in surprise and amusement at the scene.
"Well that worked better than I expected".
Minho looked over at Chan with a 'I swear to god I will yeet a chair at your head' look.
Before anything more could be said they heard a loud noise.
"WE GOT FOOOOOOD" Jeongin yelled loud enough for the dead to hear.
Jisung then retreated from Minhos arms despite wanting to stay exactly where he was.
"Well time for dinner I am starving" Chan rubbed his stomach and stood up. "Minho can help you out of here into the main part of the cave and you can have something to eat. I'm sure your starving".
Jisung gave a slight nod and Minho helped him up and stood by his side as he slowly followed Chan in case he fell.
As he came out of the room he looked to see dead deer in the main part of the room. Staring he quickly turned his head and closed his eyes. He could smell the blood. Animal blood is never that appealing to hybrids but Jisung was starving and to him it felt like heaven.
"Are you okay?" Minho asked looking at how Jisung had reacted.
"Yeah just a bit dizzy" Jisung controlled his urges and stopped his eyes from changing to red.
"Thank god it's not AB" Jisung whispered to himself.
"Did you say something?" Minho asked as he lead Jisung to a place where to sit.
"Just saying I cant wait to eat" Jisung let out a small smile and sat down watching as the food was divided between each of them.

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