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Minho's lips were soft and warm. Jisung felt as Minho slowly explored his mouth with his tongue. He pulled Jisung closer and held onto the back of his neck while Jisung messed with Minho hair. They only parted the kiss to allow each other to breathe.
Jisung looked at Minho panting to see a little smirk on his face.
"What's with the smirk?" Jisung pushed his hand in front of Minhos face embarrassed, feeling his cheeks heating up.
"Aww is little Quokka shy" Minho teased.
Jisung stood up with his arms crossed. Minho chuckled and stood up as well dragging him to the edge and out of the water.
"Let's go back. You need to change your clothes or you will get a cold" Minho ushered Jisung out into the woods but stayed close to him.
"You can't say anything your just as wet as I am" Jisung pointed up and down at Minho giving a sly smile.
"Whatever" Minho rolled his eyes and began running back with Jisung next to him.

Jisung wanted to keep crying, tears of happiness. As he ran he thought of the moments which had just happened and how Minho had accepted him for being a hybrid and then kissed him. Happily thinking to himself his mind exploded.
"Oh shit, I kissed him" Jisung thought to himself feeling his cheeks heat up again. As he ran he put his finger to his lips and traced them remembering the sweet moment. He liked it. The way Minho kissed him and he felt on top of the world.
They stopped running as they made it back to the entrance of the cave.
"I want to do it again" Jisung whispered to himself.
"You say something?" Minho asked.
"Hmm nothing" Jisung jogged into the cave to go get changed.

When Jisung finally got himself into a comfy position on his side. He closed his eyes trying to sleep before he suddenly felt something latch onto him.
Minho pulled him in for a back hug.
"Minho, what are you doing?" Jisung tried to pry Minhos hand off his chest. Minho just held on tighter not allowing Jisung to escape his grasp.
"What's wrong, we were just as close as earlier" Minho snuggled up to Jisung's neck and Jisung felt his soft breath on his skin.
"Do you not like it?" Minho pouted slightly "I'll move if you want".
Minho began to retract slightly to go back to his area when Jisung grabbed his arms now not letting Minho go.
"NO, mine" Jisung stated matter of factly lying his head down and closing his eyes pretending to go to sleep.
Content with Jisung's reaction, Minho pulled Jisung in even tighter to his chest and closed his eyes. Jisung drifted off to sleep cozily in Minhos arms.

When next morning came around Jisung groggily woke up and tried to sit up but couldn't with Minhos arms around him. He tried to pry his hands away but all he got was a groan from Minho.
"Minho let go, someone will come in any minute" Jisung laughed.
"Noooo I'm comfortable" Minho complained.
"Your like a big baby" Jisung turned his head and prodded his finger at Minhos forehead.
"Am not" Minho opened his eyes.
"Are too".
"Am not".
"Are too".
This continues for a good minute before they heard Chan.
"MINHO, JISUNG HOW LONG ARE YOU GONNA TAKE" Chan yelled loud enough for the dead to hear him.
"GIVE US 5" Minho yelled back and continued cuddling Jisung.
"Minho off, we only have 5 minutes" Jisung still couldn't escape.
"It only takes 2 minutes to get ready, I still have 3 left for cuddles" Minho nodded seriously.
"I give up" Jisung let Minho have his 3 minutes then knocked him away and got changed.

At breakfast Jisung and Minho sat as close as they could possibly get. Personal space clearly no longer existed between the two.
Minho stabbed a piece of food with a chopstick and held it up to Jisung and nodded it towards him for him to eat it. Jisung gladly leaned forward and bit it off his chopstick.

Jeongin and Felix sat at the other end of the circle and looked at each other whispering.
"You don't think" Felix slowly turned to Jeongin.
"Nah there's no way" Jeongin shook his head.
"Come on Minho would never feed us unless he wanted us to shut up" Felix's smile slowly turned into a smirk "do you know what I'm thinking?".
"Absolutely not" Jeongin eyes widened.
"Come on, it will confirm it" Felix nudged Jeongin.
"No I don't want to die. Minho will kill us. I choose life" Jeongin said.

"You still owe me for taking half the fall after the flour incident with Chan. He was coughing for days" Felix raised his eyebrows.
"Dammit...fine. And the flour incident was an accident" Jeongin came to his defence.
"Sure it was. Definitely not because Chan stole your favourite pillow for being naughty" Felix giggled.
"What are you two whispering about?" Chan asked looking at them both.
"We just think there's too much flour on the chicken batter" Felix said innocently emphasising flour. Jeongin clipped him round the back of the head.
"Shut up" Jeongin whispered bashing Felix playfully with his elbow.

A few minutes later Jeongin and Felix put their plan into action.
"Hey Jisung have you tried this yet?" Felix grabbed a piece of food and leaned over to Jisung telling him to eat it. A bit hesitant Jisung looked over at Minho then back at Felix and took it off the chopstick and put it into his mouth.
It was nice and Jisung couldn't help but melt into the taste.
"Awww he looks so cute and smol" Jeongin cooed.
"Doesn't he just" Felix agreed nodding his head "Yknow if we took Jisung out somewhere someone would be sure to pick him up. He's so adorable anyone would want him".
"Yeah Jisung you could get a partner in no time" Jeongin added.
Jisung felt slightly weird. This wasn't like Felix and Jeongin. They would normally joke around and be idiots but not like this.
"What are you guys doing?" Hyunjin was the first one to question it.
"Shush" Jeongin put his hand over Hyunjins mouth and motioned for him to be quiet. Confused, Hyunjin stopped talking waiting for an explanation.
Both Felix and Jeongin continued to talk about getting Jisung a partner when Jisung felt Minhos hand behind him tighten up. He looked at him to see Minho had a scowl on his face and Jisung could feel him tugging at his shirt slightly.
"Well since we don't really go out loads it will be hard to find you someone and we are the only pack in the area so finding you another werewolf is most likely out of the the question" Jeongin muttered off.
"Ooohhh I know" Felix put his finger up having an idea "why don't you date me?".

"Hmm what do you say?" Felix lifted Jisung's cheek up.

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