My Quokka

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Felix stared at Jisung. Everyone was taken aback including Chan who dropped his piece of food he had between the chopsticks. While everyone else was stunned Minho had enough. He pushed Felix's hand away jolting him back and he fell onto his butt on the floor then grabbed Jisung pulling him into a hug.
"NO. My Quokka" Minho growled.
"Quokka?" Hyunjin tilted his head.
"Is that really what you are focusing on right now" Chan looked at the simple minded Hyunjin.
Felix excitedly jumped up punching the air.
"I knew it. I knew it. I knew it." Felix happily danced about.
"Argh come on. I really thought you were wrong" Jeongin groaned knowing he lost to a jumping sunshine.
"Am I I dumb" Hyunjin raised his hand having no grasp of the situation.

Felix sat back down and took a deep breath trying to calm himself down.
"You can't tell me you didn't notice the way those two have been acting today. I had a theory and wanted to test it and the reaction I got was even better than I thought" Felix looked at Jisung and Minho who still hadn't let go from the hug.
"What" Hyunjins wide puppy eyes still had no grasp of the situation.
"Felix thinks that these two like each other so roped me in to see if he was right" Jeongin sighed giving a simple explanation.
"And this is how you chose to do it. You could of asked or hinted but noooo you chose to do it like this" Minho looked like he could kill them but luckily Jisung had hold of his hands so he didn't move but if eyes could kill both Felix and Jisung would be in the heavenly sweet after.
"I put all blame on Felix. He made me do it" Jeongin straight away threw Felix under the bus to avoid Minhos wrath but Felix was too eager to even care.

"You sooo like each other don't you" Felix's lit up face stayed on the two boys "are you dating? Your dating right. How long? Did you know you liked each other from when you first met? Omg was it love at first sight?".

Felix blurted out questions speaking so quickly that it was surprising that he could even breathe. It took Chan to grab his shoulders to stop him.
"Felix take a breath, give them space to speak" Chan chuckled at Felix's sudden burst of energy compared to Jeongin's embarrassed face looking like he wanted to shrink away out of existence.

"I don't even know which question to start with" Jisung's embarrassment had reached its peak and he felt his cheeks burning.
"Are you dating?" Jeongin asked.
"Hey I wanted to ask that" Felix looked at Jeongin.
"Too bad I got there first" Jeongin stuck his tongue out at Felix.
Before anything else could happen Chan put a hand on their heads and turned them to face Jisung and Minho.
"How about one thing at a time for once" Chan looked exhausted and it was only morning.
Everyone sat quietly waiting for an answer.

"No we are not dating" Jisung was the one to respond.
"Awwww anticlimactic much" Felix looked let down.
"Do you want to be dating?" Was heard straight after Felix's comment. Minho pulled Jisung to face him and looked him dead in the eye.
"Hm" Jisung's brain stopped working.
"Do you my little quokka, want to be my boyfriend?" Minho raised an eyebrow.
Jisung gazed into Minhos eyes for what felt like an eternity before he finally answered.
"Yes, yes I would love too" Jisung felt amazing, his heart was racing and it felt good. Minho edged himself closer to Jisung until their lips were cm apart.

"How sweet" both Hyunjin and Felix said at the same time in cute voices.
"And the moments ruined" Minho leaned back and looked at the two who looked away avoiding Minhos gaze.

"Don't mind them they are only having fun" Jisung tapped Minho who stopped giving a death glare and went back to normal then allowed Jisung to feed him some food.
"Oh my, Minhos turned crippled" Jeongin teased.
"More like lured" Chan added joining in.
"Hey" Minho felt betrayed that even Chan had joined in to torment him.

By the time breakfast had ended everyone had seemingly calmed down. Chan had cleared everything away and now Felix had grabbed Jenga from the corner and getting everyone to play it. By the time it got to Jisung's turn the tower was already wobbly. When he tried to take a block it kept wobbling and just when he was about to get it out, it was about to tip. Minho put his hand in the way stopping it and Jisung got the piece out without it toppling.
"Hey that's no fair, Minho cheated" Jeongin pointed annoyed.
"Come on it's just a game" Chan rubbed Jeongin's back.
"Fine, but my go is next and if it topples I swear to god" Jeongin grumbled and went for his turn. He pushed a block from the middle but as he pulled it out the tower fell.
"NO. Seriously this is not fair, it's always me" Jeongin complained while the others laughed at his little fit.
"It's not funny" Jeongin crossed his arms.
Jisung was laughing along with everyone else until his lungs began to hurt for so much laughing. He watched as Jeongin threw a jenga block at Minho complaining how he was cheating and should be disqualified from all future jenga games.

Jisung stood up to stretch his legs and was going to say something when a shadow blocked the sun from his view. He turned around to see two figures. Two figures which he knew all too well. His blood ran cold. The smile from his lips immediately shrank away.
"So brat this is where you ran off to" the one on the left said.
"Why did you run away honey. You must have known we would find you?" The one on the right added.

His parents had found him.

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