Full moon approaches

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"Jisung, Jisung you need to wake up" Jisung heard a slight voice and on instinct flung his arm out trying to blast the person away from him but missed and slammed his fist into the wall. He snapped his eyes open to feel a hot flood of tears stain his cheeks then turned to see Minho who had leaned back away from Jisung's fist and was looking concerned at him.
Jisung immediately realised what had happened and looked to see his fist had dented the wall with small pieces of rock falling from the wall and onto the floor.

"Omg Minho I am so sorry" Jisung lowered his fist to his knees and lowered his head down to his legs "im really sorry, I didn't mean to, I just didn't know what was going on and I nearly hit you, im really really-" Jisung blurted out as fast as he could but stopped when he felt two arms snake around his waist and pull him forward.
Minho pulled Jisung into him and held his head in his hand stopping him from squirming his way out of his grip.
"Calm down. Talk slower, you didn't mean to" Minhos soothing voice and vanilla smell relaxed Jisung and he wished he could stay in his warm arms for longer. He slowly looked up with Minhos hand still cupping his neck and looked into his eyes. Minho took his other hand off Jisung's back and onto his chin pulling his head up a little more and closer to him. They moved closer to each other before they were inch's from each others faces.
Jisung could feel Minhos breath on his cheeks and got closer still until..

"What the hell happened here?" Felix's surprised voice came from the front of the room. Both Minho and Jisung recoiled from each other. Felix ran and looked at the hole in the wall going over it with his hand. Too focused on that, Felix didn't realise what had been going on with the two other boys in the room who were still staring at each other despite moving back.
Jisung was first to break eye contact.
"Sorry, I had a bad dream" Jisung put his hand on his neck rubbing it nervously.
"Oh my are you okay?" Felix crouched by Jisung looking at his fist and back at him.
"Yeah just a scratch, it'll heal in no time" Jisung smiled.
"That's good" Felix said then his eyes widened and stayed silent for a few moments and looked deep in thought "right I forgot, I came here to tell you two we are making breakfast and you need to come and decide what stuff you want before Chan thinks your taking too long and makes you do it yourself".
Felix happily jumped up and skipped out the room.
'His attention span is worse than Chans ability to keep his shirt on' Minho thought.
"WAIT, what's breakfast" Minho yelled after him.
"OMELETTES" they heard Felix yell back.
Jisung's eyes widened, he'd heard of omelettes but never had a chance to try one. He followed Minho into the main room and sat down at the side watching Chan and Felix make food.

"Egg" Felix happily waved an egg about.
"Where did you get that egg from all the eggs are in the carton here?" Chan asked confused looking at the full packet of eggs and Felix's random extra.
"I don't know. Someone gave it to me, so yeah an egg" Felix waved it about and Chan took it off him.
"Awwwww" Felix pouted.
"Why don't you go get the ham from over there?" Chan said hinting over the room.
"Oh okay" Felix smiled.

After all the ingredients were prepped and done Chan made the omelettes asking each person what they wanted in theirs.
When Jisung's turn came around he asked for a simple ham and cheese. When it was served he ripped it in half and began munching on it. He was quietly enjoying the omelette when he looked up to see everyone looking at him.
"Huh" Jisung looked around at everyone.
"You're sooo cute" Jeongin lunged forward and grabbed Jisung's cheeks squeezing them. Taken aback Jisung didn't do anything and looked around to see everyone was laughing except for Minho. For a small moment Jisung swore that Minho had a scowl on his face.

"You all ready for the full moon coming up" Hyunjin said finishing off his breakfast.
Jeongin moved back from Jisung to his original seat and looked scared.
"Come on Jeongin cheer up. I know it hurts but afterwards you always say how much fun you had in wolf form" Felix nudged Jeongin giving a goofy smile.
"Yeah, I always beat you in the race round the woods" Jeongin took his time to tease Felix.
"No way I'm gonna beat you this time" Felix looked confident.

Jisung hadn't even taken into consideration the full moon. As a hybrid he could turn during the full moon but he could resist and not turn however it would cause unimaginable pain for him so he would normally turn.
"Jisung how long does it normally take for you to turn?" Chan asked.
For Jisung if he tried he would be able to turn in 4 minutes but that was due to being a hybrid. Werewolves turn quicker on the amount of experience they have turning and even a experienced werewolves would struggle to be able to turn in 4 minutes.
"Erm" Jisung quickly thought when Jeongin spoke up.
"As the youngest I'm the slowest. I'm a faster runner than Felix but I take forever to turn and it is a pain" Jeongin emphasised the last four words "it takes me 9 minutes".
"You will get better over time" Chan reassures him then looks back over at Jisung.
"I take 6 minutes" Jisung gave an average time.
"Hey your the same as Hyunjin, you could even be twins" Felix gasped looking back and forth frantically at the two overreacting by putting his hand over his mouth.
"Shhuutttt iiitttt" Hyunjin pulled Felix into a headlock and both began messing about and rolling on the floor.
"Not it" Minho said and looked at Chan who groaned.

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