Full moon

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The day went smoothly. Jisung got to know everyone a bit more but spent most of his time with Minho. He felt most comfortable around Minho and genuinely wanted to just be around him, he didn't know why he just didn't want to leave Minhos side, but he doubted Minho would feel the same.
The full moon was coming quicker than Jisung had suspected and his anxiety was getting worse and worse. He didn't understand why he felt so anxious but then realised that he enjoyed being with them and knowing that Hybrids and Werewolves don't get along he was afraid upon knowing his identity they would want him gone or even hate him from hiding his identity.

By dusk Jisung retracted to the corner of Minhos room and waited. Chan rushed in and looked around.
"Where Minho?" He asked.
"He said he was going outside for more room" Jisung said reciting what he had said.
"Shoot. When he goes outside he's minutes from turning" Chan said and looked at Jisung "do you want me to stay while you turn, I can hold it off for some time if you want someone by your side?"
"No I've changed by myself for a long time go help Jeongin" Jisung knew how worried Jeongin was about this and wanted Cham to stay with him. Plus he wasn't lying, his family never stayed by him when he turned; he was always by himself and that's how he got used to it.
As Chan left he felt a slight lightening in his anxiety as now he could take his time turning and come outside when ready.
He took a deep breath. This. Was. Gonna. Hurt.

Jisung took a step out of the room and towards the entrance of the cave to see 6 other wolves stood outside. Two were busy biting at each others feet. That was definitely Felix and Jeongin. One was bigger than the rest and had deep red eyes: Chan. Another with deep brown fluffy fur jumping up behind Felix. But the one that took Jisung's breath away was a tall silver furred wolf with light red eyes. Minho walked his way over to Jisung and walked round him poking his head in Jisung's neck and stood round him sniffing his fur. Jisung looked at him and instinctively lowered his head and rubbed it up against Minhos neck.
Minho stepped backwards and looked at the rest of the pack who were now all facing sideways into the woods. Jisung watched as one by one they began running into the woods.
Minho looked at him and nodded towards the woods. Jisung began running and Minho followed behind with Chan at the very back, not risking losing anyone again like what happened to Felix, he really ended up being a lost puppy.

The rushing of the wind through Jisung's fur made him feel so alive. He enjoyed running around with the pack and watching as Jeongin and Felix kept racing because Felix refused to admit that he kept losing.
By the time they made it back to the cave Jisung was covered in mud. Hyunjin had pushed Felix into the mud catching Jisung with him and both ended up falling into a muddy ditch. They proceeded to chase Hyunjin round the trees shaking mud in his face.
When Jisung made his way to Minhos room he flopped on the floor and closed his eyes exhausted.
When he awoke he was back in human form. He sat up and put on his clothes he had left before turning and put them on. He turned to see Minho sound asleep wrapped in his blanket.
He stood up and quietly left the room and exited the cave into the soft air of the night and walked into the woods. He needed something to eat, he wanted something to sink his teeth into and a deer is the best he could get, he wouldn't drink blood from humans even when he parents tried to get him to. He would only drink blood bags.

Watching carefully he heard rustling of leaves and followed the sound until he came to the reason for the noise. A deer. It was walking around a tree munching on something. As Jisung got closer it's head shot up as if it had suspected some kind of danger but few moments later lowered its head again to continue eating.
Without warning Jisung charged and grabbed the deer before it had chance to react, sinking his teeth into its neck and draining it instantly.
The deer went limp in his hands and the life drained out of its eyes dying.
After his appetite was fulfilled he stood up and licked some of the blood from his lips and looked at the poor creature.
He suddenly heard the snap of a branch and froze listening to what was behind him.
"Jisung, what are you doing?" A voice came from behind him.


"Jisung?" Minho said his name again. Jisung refused to turn around. He knew his eyes would still be red from recently drinking.
"Jisung look at me" Minho said and Jisung could hear him getting closer.
"Stop. Don't come any closer" Jisung reached his hand behind him with his palm out.
"Jisung what's going on. If you wanted to eat you could just wake me up to get you something" Minho said confused.
"Stop. No that wouldn't work" Jisung remained vague which just confused Minho even more.
"Jisung turn around, don't make me do it" Minho moved closer and grabbed Jisung turning him around and Jisung pushed him back away from him looking up at him.
"Your eyes" Minho stood dumbfounded looking at Jisung's eyes. He couldn't deny that the red suited him and went well with his golden brown hair but that wasn't the point at the minute.
"Damn it" Jisung broke eye contact and stepped backwards.
"Your a.. are you a.. a hybr.." Minho pointed at Jisung.

"Yes Minho, I'm a fucking hybrid".

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