911 Call

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Taking a left turn on the street I looked for the address that corresponded to me.Noticing the number outside the front door of the house, I parked my car in front of the porch and turned off the blue and red lights. I adjusted my belt with my gun and my badge that represents that I am part of the police. I'm part of the famous men in Blue.I knocked on the door, but nobody opened it, I spoke on the radio saying that I had not received an answer. I walked around the house looking out the windows, I could notice a bloody hand on the wall, continuing outside I noticed a motionless arm in a pool of blood.With courage and strength, I kicked the door and it opened, I walked through the entrance.-Police! Is there someone at home? I walked slowly with my gun in my hands, I made sure that the house was empty.- Dispatch we have a murder scene here. The radio told me to get out of the house and secure the scene.I walked to where the arm was, I assumed the rest of the body was with it. But the arm was dismembered. There was a stench of blood, they had dragged the rest of the body. I walked carefully following the trail, when I noticed that it continued along the walls, looking up I noticed something bloody that was hung from the ceiling with a nail gun. You couldn't tell which part of the body it was.-What person did this? Still following more blood he guided me to an office, I slowly opened the door immediately the smell attacked me. I coughed a few times.I covered my nose and mouth as best I could, but I will never forget what I saw.A man's body was tied over his desk chair, the room was trashed,His chin was split open so that the skin on his jaw was in pieces, I could see down to the back of his throat, his eyes were red with blood, and one hung out of his place. His remaining arm was contorted in different directions, his fingers permanently arranged in a position that to me represented agony. He had no nails and had syringe tips inside his fingers, his torso was open there were intestines and organs on the ground, there was a hole in his torso, it corresponded to the heart, in its place was a stone with something written on it.Before I could read it I wondered what it would feel like to squeeze a heart with your hand, or feel your victim's blood fall to the ground or stain you...I got out as fast as I could without touching anything. I took the yellow tape from my car and secured the house, and right after that, the special teams arrived.-Officer Shaw. Good day. Detective Ives. I offered my hand.- I don't think you will continue with that mentality when I go in there. I greeted her with my hand. Her new partner introduced herself.-My new comrade, this is Luke. We shook hands and he smiled at me.-Officer Shaw, a pleasure, I'm sorry we have to meet under these circumstances.- I suppose that it is not an exemplary thing. Luke answered.- Shall I give you the tour? I asked.-Please, and if you don't mind, I'll take your description of the events because I'm the first on the scene.I walked them through the scene.-The first thing I saw was the arm, I saw it through the window, I immediately spoke to the office and told them to talk to them, I asked for reinforcements, I broke the door hoping to see life, but I didn't wait to see the arm alone. I thought that the body would not be far away, but the truth is that I had never seen anything like it in my 11 years of working. I pointed to the ceiling and the detectives turned around.-That's not the worst, I followed the trail and it led me to this. I pushed the door to the open office and they both gasped.I patted them on the shoulder.-Good luck. I left the house and soon the forensic team took the evidence.I went back to the office and they made me write down everything that happened, they took the floor and wrote it down. I went back to the street to make my rounds, and finishing I went back home.Lying in bed, I couldn't help but wander out of curiosity about what it would feel like to cut human skin, touch that warm blood of life, and drain a heart with my own hands.What drives people who do that?The next morning my alarm rang through my room, I rubbed my face with my hands, I knew that today would not be a day like any other, because today is Valentine's Day.Many will believe that it would be a good day, but it is usually the opposite, for men and women who decide to have more than one romantic relationship, things can get violent.Arriving at the office, Many desks were decorated with red and hearts. On some desks, they had candy and donuts with festive decorations.Arriving at my desk were a few presents, A cup with some sweets, candy, and lollipops. Most were small details that were given to the entire office, but some were from a secret Valentine. That same day I went out into the streets to patrol a part of the city, I could not leave all the people outside enjoying their lives, even though deep inside his head what happened would to feel a beating heart in his hand, to feel how the warm blood bathed him. It wasn't unusual to think of those in those things, since he had already been to several crime scenes. They weren't always the prettiest. The officer received a radio code 10-44. A patrol wanted to check the house with number 0701, neighbors said they heard screams.-This is Officer Shaw 10-33-Understood officer, I leave it on standby.I went to the address given to me on the radio, I did not expect or want to find anything like I had the day before.• Good night Police. I knocked on the door of the house, and a young woman with blond hair opened the door a little bewildered, she had a handkerchief in her hand and her eyes were red.• Good evening officer. Her teary eyes made me believe there was domestic violence involved.• Excuse me for bothering you miss, but her neighbors reported hearing screams coming from the house.• Ugh, sorry, my partner decided to tell me how fed up he was with me, that I'm very clingy and that he has more girls to choose from. He screamed a lot, and it scared me. It's nothing, serious official.• Will you let me in just to make sure everything is okay? The girl nodded her head. She opened the door wide and let me through.As I walked around the house asking questions about what happened for the official report.-So her boyfriend decided that she didn't like this relationship anymore... The young woman was in her kitchen pouring herself a glass of wine, her table was set for two and you could see half-eaten food.-What ways are those to finish things right?I just gave the house a peek, and didn't use anything the story seemed pretty logical, and didn't change it, so my work ended here.• I'm so sorry about what happened to you, enjoy the rest of the holiday, and please don't go out after finishing that bottle of wine.•The young woman apologized for her inconvenience and with teary eyes, she waved me out the door.I called on the radio to be able to clarify that it had only been a temporary disturbance, nothing serious.Returning to the office, I decided to sit down and do the report on that house, but I could see that the secretary was coming towards my desk.• Did you go to the house at 0701 on Lincoln? I wonder.• Yes, it was just a couple's argument. Why?• They received another call about the same thing, you can go see what's going on, and take Alma for support.• Sure, I'll leave right away.I went out to the garage for the patrol Alma was waiting for me at the wheel.-Get on you million-dollar bitch. I rolled my eyes and got in on the passenger side.Approaching the house I could see that everything looked the same despite a new car parked across the block.Alma and I got out of the car, I knocked on the door again and the same young woman opened the door, she looked the same, just a little disheveled.• Good evening. I'm sorry to bother you again, but it seems that I have a colleague who has to do her research practices. Do I bother her if she lets us go over what happened?The young woman smiled and agreed, she opened the door again and Alma began to ask her questions. I decided to wander around the house, this time I knew I couldn't leave the doors locked.I could hear a very loud television inside the bedroom. Her wine glass was empty next to it on the living room table. The sheets were a little untended, I went into the bathroom, and I immediately noticed small blood stains on the sink.He opened her vanity mirror, and it was full of pills and controlled medications for people with schizophrenia, and mental illnesses that can be dangerous if not taken. Or they are taken with alcohol.I walked down the hall, opening the doors, another bathroom, which means you have a guest room next door, when I opened the door the naked body of a decapitated man left me with my mouth open.I closed the door so as not to raise alarms, until I heard Alma scream and a very loud sound of something breaking. I ran toward the sound Alma had fallen down the basement stairs, I hurried down.• Are you okay Alma? I quickly asked. Alma rubbed her head and pointed to something at the bottom of the basement, it was another woman.• Hey are you okay?• Please help me, please she is crazy.• Hey, hey calm down. I'll get them out of here.• Don't go anywhere, pretty boy. I felt the blow before I could react to the young woman's voice.

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