Chapter 4

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I walked down stairs. I was done up pretty nice. I was excited. Today was mine and Nash's 2 year anniversary. I'm not sure what he has in mind.

"Hey, babe. You look stunning as always." He pecked my neck, soft as a feather.

"You look handsome, as always." I was stunned. I am lucky to have him. I'm not sure why he choose me of all girls, but boy am I glad. All that matters is that we are happy.

"Awwww! You guys look so cute!" Evie and Lexie both said in unison. It was creepy. "You have to let me take pictures!" Evie winked at Nash. I wonder what all that was about.

"Yeah! C'mon, babe. Lets save the memories."

"Okay. Sureeee. You guys are up to something. I know it."

"Whatever you say, Ally." Evie is so rude. She may be my best friend, but she's rude. At least she's honest.

^*^*^*^*^Evie's POV

"Okay. Sureeee. You guys are up to something. I know it." I hope she won't ruin Nash's plan. He's gonna take her to eat, then take her to the beach. There, he will propose to her. I just really hope she doesn't figure it all out.

"Whatever you say, Ally." I had to give a one of my remarks. It's rude, but witty. Maybe she won't see past the comment.

"Well you guys have fun and be safe. Don't want anybody getting hurt." Lexie is to subtle sometimes. It like, damnnnn! When did she become so mature. Last time I checked, she was making funny, but stupid vines with her boyfriend, Brent.

^*^*^*^*^Nash's POV

"Well you guys have fun and be safe. Don't want anybody getting hurt." I don't know Lexie well, but Evie and Ally do. They all seem to be friends since birth. The only one of my friends I've known since I was little is Cameron, and Hayes is my brother. But anyways, today is mine and Ally's 2 year anniversary. I'm planning to take her to her favorite restaurant, then take her to the beach. I had Brent, Cam, and Hayes help me carve "will you marry me?" Into the sand at the beach to area next to Ally and Evie's house.

"So where are we going, baby?" Ally was basically dying to know what we were going to do.

"We're going to Sapphire Grill." That was her favorite restaurant in Savannah. We both love that place.

"Aww, baby, thank you so much!"

"Anything for you, love."

^*^*^*^*^Ally's POV

When we got to Sapphire Grill, there was already a reservation and a open table for us. Nash really has done it this time. Sometimes he goes over-board, but this is just what I wanted.

The waiter went to our table and took our order.

"I'll have the New York Strip Steak and Broccoli. Caesar salad in the side, please." Nash loves his steak.

"And I'll have the White Shrimp and House Whipped Potato, also with a Caesar salad."

"I'll have that up as soon as I can."

"So, do you want to go to the beach later? Y'now, like a romantic walk. Just you and me?" Nash seemed so eager to get me to say yes. It wasn't that hard to get me to say yes. I love the beach, and collect sand glass. I have basically all the colors of the rainbow.

"Yes! You know, Nash, I've been thinking......" I trailed off. I didn't how I was gonna tell him. But this is it. "Nash, I think I... I love you. More than anything, and I'm glad you choose me when you could've had any girl, any girl in the world, yet you choose the one that's probably the most crazy, and retarded, but you still want me. When I say I love you now, it's not like the other times I've said it. This time, I feel it, more than ever." I was looking down when I have my little speech, and when I looked up, Nash was starting to tear up,band when I saw the first tear come off of his cheek, I started crying too.

"Babe, Ally, I-i love you too. And you're not retarded, you are the smartest person I know. You may be crazy, but you are my kind-of crazy. I honestly, truly, love you too." By that time, we were both finished with our meal and I could see the waiter making his way over to our two-seater table.

"Do you need a check?" I think the waiter is British. Some more of my absentmindedness.

"Yes, please." Nash handed the waiter his credit card. Almost as soon as he handed him his card, he got it back, along with a check.

"C'mon, Ally. Let's go to the beach." Nash took my arm with his, and we walked out of Sapphire Grill. He helped me into the car. We rode in silence, and we were holding hands the whole way.

When we got to the beach, we took off our shoes.

"This is so beautiful, Nash. I couldn't ask for anything better than this." I couldn't help but to suck up. He is doing all this for me. And only me. We walked along the ridge of the ocean where the water met the sand.

"I may not have planned the sunset, but I did plan this." He took my shoulders and turned me back to the shore. And I saw it.

"Nash! Did you do this?!" I turned to him and he was on one knee holding out a little black box. In it was the prettiest ring I've ever seen.

"Ally, I want you to marry me. This is probably a lot to take in, but please, be mine."

"Yes. Yes, Nash, a thousand times yes!" I took the ring a put it on my finger. Then, I looked Nash in the eyes and said "I love you," and kissed him.

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