Chapter 15

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^*^*^*^*^Ally's POV

I got a text from an unknown number telling me to meet them in 10 minutes. 'Or else.' it had said. I didn't want to risk anyone's life, so I kissed Nash's forehead, telling him I was going to use the restroom.

"Okay.. hurry back though."

^*^*^*^*^ Allison's moms POV

I got a call from an unknown number.


"Hey it's me."

"Carter, is she coming or not?" He was a bad 'side-kick'. He never did anything right.  Like they always say if you wanted done right do it yourself.

"Yeah. She's walking this way right now."

"Okay, good. You know the plan, right?" I asked a little uneasy. I know they're friends, and Carter is just too softhearted to do anything like this. But, he would do it for the money.

"Yeah. She's getting closer, I'll call you back." He hung up.

Yes. My plan is finally coming together. I've been waiting for the right moment for months.

As soon as Ally reaches Carter in the back of the woods, Nash should know she's gone. Hold her captive a couple days and he'll be waving around money to get her back. Foolish kids. Then I get the money. Whether Nash gets Ally back alive or not is all in their hands.

^*^*^*^*^Carter's POV

"Carter?" It was her. She was beautiful. Her perfect dark blue eyes and her wavy chestnut brown hair. Nash shouldn't have her. He has pretty girls following him around all the time. Ally shouldn't be one of them. I know they're engaged now, but maybe if I show her Nash's bad side, she'll call it off.

"Hello, are you in there?" He poked my cheek playfully.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. I just needed to ask you a question." She gave me a confused look but she shrugged it off.

"Sure, I guess so."

"What do you honestly see in Nash?" She looked hurt that I asked her that.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what do you see in him. What do you like about him?"

"He's...... perfect. His eyes and his hair and just... everything about him. The way he looks at me in the morning when I wake up next to him, the way he takes appreciation into everything I do. He sees the positivity in everything and that what I see in him, Carter. I got  everything she said in record and I shit my phone off.

"I see." When she thinks like that, she'll never fall in love with me.


"Oh, just cause."

"Well, ok Carter. Remember, if you ever need anything, ask."

She turned around and I followed through with the plan. I tripped her and she fell. I grabbed the cloth bag and pulled it over her head. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder and walked over to the car. I got in and   drove up to her moms house. I pulled in the driveway by the basement and honked. Her mom cracked the basement door, checking to see who it was. She saw it was me and opened the door. She helped me carry Ally in side and we set her down on the chair.

^*^*^*^*^Ally's moms POV

"You did it. I am proud of you Carter."

"Thanks. I got the recording that you wanted me to get."

"Wonderful. Now we just have to wait for Nash to go crazy searching for her, send this clip to him, and watch him offer money like crazy."

"Yes ma'am."

Carter's phone started to ring. He said it was Nash. He got up walked 2 feet away and answered it.


"Dude, that's awful."

"Yeah, I'll keep an eye out for her."

"You too, man."

He hung up.  He walked back over to me.

"Nash already is freaking out. The plans going fast."

"Just what we need, right?" I smirked at him and he gave a weak smile. I shook my head and went to go get dinner.

"Want anything?" I told him I was stopping by Taco Bell.

"Nah, I'm good."

Suit yourself...

When I got out the car, I noticed Nash was in the fast food restaurant. I walked in and tapped his shoulder.

"Uh, ok hold on for just a second." He turned around. "Amanda."

"Hey Nash. Sorry I couldn't make it to Adrian's party, I was I a little caught up  in my... work."

"Yeah that's ok. But Ally said she was going to the bathroom and never came back. I've been looking for her everywhere. It's not like her to do this."

"Sorry to hear that. If you find anything, let me know."

"Okay."He walked out looking a little dazed and confused.

"Hi welcome to Taco Bell, what can I get you?"

"Yes, I'd like..."

^*^*^*^*^Nash's POV

Some one tapped on my shoulder.

"Uh, ok hold on for just a second." I turned around. "Amanda."

"Hey Nash. Sorry I couldn't make it to Adrian's party, I was I a little caught up  in my... work."

"Yeah that's ok. But Ally said she was going to the bathroom and never came back. I've been looking for her everywhere. It's not like her to do this." She said she had work, but she said she was off work for the next 3 weeks. Hmm.....

"Sorry to hear that. If you find anything, let me know."

"Okay." I walked out looking a little dazed and confused. She didn't seem worried at all.

😱Holy Poop! Wonder if Nash will see right through Amanda.?!??😱😏

Sorry about that last chapter. It was shitty and I apologize. If it was only 1 paragraph when you last saw it, please look again. 🙃

Last night I updated and it erased everything but 1 paragraphs I guess. Watt pad needs some milk, I swear.🍼

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