Chapter 2: Reminders of the Past

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"You will obey!"

Purple lightning flashed and once again, Megatron's body erupted in agony, forcing him to his knees as his yells of anger and pain echoed against the walls of his mind.

Through their connection, Megatron could feel as Unicron's undead army raced to poison the Well of Allsparks. No Cybertronian, not even him, would have wanted to see the future of their kind disappear.

Once they destroyed the Well, there would be no future. It would be his fault.

If he hadn't of been so foolish to use dark energon, Unicron wouldn't have a host to use. He would never have threatened the newly revived Cybertron.

But he did. Now everyone would pay the price.

Megatron growled, standing and running at Unicron with an angry snarl.

"You will never succeed!" Megatron roared, trying to kill the chaos bringer. "Optimus will stop you!"

Unicron flicked his hand again, throwing Megatron back and shooting lightning at the fallen warlord again. Megatron yelled out, struggling to ignore the pain that shot through him unlike anything he'd ever felt before.

"You're wrong." Unicron grinned. "I have already won."

Megatron's eyes snapped opened and he sat up, staring into the cavern wall as the events of his nightmare flashed through his mind.

He shook his head and stood, stretching his broken body and looking around. A pile of earthen metals sat in the corner, dried energon around them.

They were from the first day he'd came to this cave. Megatron had used his sword to cut off all of the metal that Unicron had forced onto his body. It was painful, but Megatron felt more like himself afterwards.

He couldn't stand remembering what it had been like to be under Unicron's control.


Megatron flinched, expecting an Autobot to come charging into the cave for revenge. Maybe they had finally found him. It had been twenty Earth years since the war ended.

He thought they'd have found him sooner.

Maybe they weren't even looking.

Megatron's bright blue eyes looked toward the entrance of the cave as the sound of a grunt and a muffled yell entered his ears. He walked quietly toward the noises in confusion.

Soon enough, he found his answer.

He stayed in the shadows of his home as a group of soldiers struggled to carry a young human female away from his cave. She fought like a wild animal, clawing and kicking and jerking without pause. A few of the men had bloody lines down their faces.

She bit the hand of one of the men and he yelped, jerking back and causing her to get a hand loose.

Megatron turned away and walked further into his cave.

"Even if you get me, you'll lose!" She yelled. "My grandfather will mess you up!"

Megatron paused, closing his eyes and sighing. He didn't need to get involved. He had too much at stake if anyone found out about him. He didn't even know what was going on. Maybe the girl was a criminal and she deserved whatever they were going to do.

The girl cried out and a small thud sounded behind him.

"That is where you are wrong." Megatron could practically hear the smirk in the male's voice. "We have already won."

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