Chapter 7: Arch Enemies Make Great Friends

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Megatron felt himself moving. He felt the air zipping past his alternative mode. He heard Minerva's muffled words as she spoke to him.

But it all felt distant. It felt as if he hadn't quite awoken from his recharge; everything was covered in a thick cloud of fog.

"Silence, parasite."

The words spoken from Megatron's mouth rung loud and clear, shocking him out of his dazed state.

He found himself standing in a barren landscape, having no idea how he'd gotten there. Some sense of satisfaction lingered from his sleep, but it was quickly replaced by confusion.

There was a grunt from his side. The sound of it was familiar somehow, as if he'd heard it a million times. Megatron turned to look at it's source and his eyes widened.

Before him was a crashed ship, multiple smoking holes in it's power source and wings. Beneath it, a red and blue arm stuck out, desperately grasping at the dirt and trying to pull the rest of itself out.


Megatron moved forward and grabbed the ship, straining to pull it up. Optimus scrambled out from underneath it and immediately stood, pointing his blaster at Megatron with hardened eyes.

Megatron put his hands up. "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Optimus demanded.

"Helping you out from under your ship." Megatron frowned. "Although I am not sure who would have shot you down."

Optimus glared. "Is there even a human?"

"Of course." Megatron gestured to Optimus. "Your Autobots injured her and I am the only one with her location. Are you going to shoot me?"

"Depends." Optimus lowered his mask. "Do you remember shooting my ship down?"

Megatron blinked. "I didn't sh-"

He froze.

He didn't remember waking up. He didn't remember flying to this location. He remembered the half-asleep state in which he landed here.

Megatron took a step away from Optimus, his eyes wide with fear.


The Chaos Bringer took over again.

Flashes of his last encounter with the Chaos Bringer ripped through his mind, causing Megatron to crumple to his knees, crippled by terror.

His nightmares were coming to life.


Megatron's head snapped up at the sound of the name he had once bore. Optimus was standing over him, holding his shoulders with a look of concern and panic.

"What did you say?"

"You wouldn't answer me, so I tried calling a more alerting name and-"

"Get off of me." Megatron pulled from Optimus grasp and glared. "Let's go."

Optimus narrowed his eyes. "It's Unicron, isn't it?"

Megatron didn't say anything, but that was more than enough to tell Optimus what he needed to know.

"We found a way to contain him before." Optimus assured him. "We can do so again."

Megatron frowned. "How did he get out of the allspark vessel?"

Optimus scowled. "It was stolen."

"Stolen?" Megatron furrowed his brows. "Who in the pits of Kaon had the bright idea to steal the very being who almost destroyed our planet?"

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