Chapter 8: Perils of Human Power

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Minerva waved to Optimus before she walked into a building with tons of new knowledge about cybertronian history and Megatron. She learned more from Optimus on the short ride here than she had from Megatron the entire time she'd been with the ex-warlord.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" A man in a white jacket asked. "Where are your parents?"

"He's on a business trip." Minerva shrugged. "It was just for the weekend, but I think I'd like to get a check-up right now."

"Um..." He looked around. "I don't know... I'm new... I, uh, hold on a second, I'll be right back."

The guy ran off and grabbed a nurse's arm. "Hey, there's a kid..."

Minerva looked at the door and smirked. She could just wait in the bathroom or something and then come out and tell Optimus she'd got a check-up. It seemed like the cybertronians were either trying to attack her or worrying over her way too much. It was kind of nice... but also annoying.

"I guess we just do it. She's not asking much."

Minerva turned as the two adults got closer and she flashed them a smile.

"Alright, we're going to need your father's contact information." The nurse told her. "I also would like to know why you think you need a check-up. Is something wrong?"

Not really.

"Uh, yeah. I fell off of... my house and passed out. I've been kind of dizzy, and I saw doubles earlier." Minerva informed the woman.

Despite her initial surprise, she just nodded. "Okay, and did you experience headaches? Hot flashes or temperature drops? Confusion? Fatigue? Sore throat?"

They walked into a room and Minerva sat down. "Headaches. Temperature changes. How'd you know that?"

The woman smiled. "I went to medical school."

She shined a light into Minerva's eyes and then checked the rate of her heartbeat. Minerva waited patiently.

"Alright, I believe you have a concussion. It's not serious and will most likely heal on it's own. Just get plenty of rest and stay hydrated." The woman told her.

"Oh, nice." Minerva grinned. "This was easier than I thought it would be."

The woman smiled back. "That is good–"

Suddenly, the door was thrown open and a group of five men ran in. Minerva's eyes went wide with surprise at the sight of the familiar uniforms.

One of them raised their gun and shot the nurse, who didn't even make a sound as she fell back.

Minerva screamed, scrambling off the back of the cot at the sight of a dead body. She fell over, hitting the ground roughly. The men moved forward and grabbed her.

"What da- wha-?"

A pair of cuffs were placed on her wrists and Minerva was yanked out the door. In the hallway, more bodies littered the ground, blood seeping from their white and blue uniforms. Her eyes widened and she yanked back in horror.

"MEGATRON!" Minerva screamed. "OPTIMUS!"

She was so screwed.

Minerva kicked and bit and fought with everything she had until eventually, they let her go. Minerva blinked in surprise, not having expected any of it to actually work.

"Minerva Bryce."

She whirled around as three more men approached. One of them wasn't wearing his mask and he grinned at her.

"We've been looking for you."

Something was jabbed into her shoulder and Minerva yelped.

Then everything went black.

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