Chapter 17: Soundwave

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Megatron shifted as his systems came back online. Instantly, he became aware of his change in position and his first assumption was that the Autobots had taken him prisoner. When his optics came online, however, his theory was proven wrong. His optics widened in surprise.


The silent mech turned, revealing a gnarled, ugly face, his visor gone. His once slim, conditioned body was now flimsy and weak, rust peeking out from beneath some of his lower plating.

"Optimus told me you had been trapped in the shadowzone," Megatron stated, climbing to his pedes and ignoring the ache in his chassis.

"Is that the only thing he told you?" Soundwave asked quietly, his voice full of static and disuse.

Megatron's optics widened. "You're speaking."

Soundwave glared. "Spending years abandoned and alone tends to make a mech's promises seem worthless. Your promises to me certain were."

"Soundwave, I'm sorry for what happened to you," Megatron replied. "I truly am."

Soundwave glared. "That's the problem. The Megatron I once knew would have never said he was sorry. The Megatron I knew would have never gave up on the Decepticon cause."

"Things needed to change. We've been warring for millennia." Megatron looked at his old friend hopefully. "You've had a decade of freedom. Don't you want to keep it this way, now that you've had a taste of peace?"

"Peace?" Soundwave scoffed. "The only thing I've had a taste of is betrayal."

Megatron flinched and looked away. He'd never seen Soundwave so bitter. His thoughts travelled to the one being that could always lift Soundwave's mood. Megatron looked around for the avian and then turned to Soundwave again.

"How is Lazerbeak?"

At the name, Soundwave's expression darkened. "She's terminated. Died in the shadowzone from energon deficiency. Not that you care."

Megatron stumbled forward. "I care, Soundwave."

Soundwave sneered. "I've seen it all, Megatron. Or don't you remember? I've been at your side since the beginning! When you made Starscream, Dreadwing, and Arachnid your second in command, did I complain? No! I have been loyal! Nothing but loyal! Since the beginning! Where were you when I needed you!?"

"I..." Megatron looked down.

Soundwave stared a moment longer in fury before backing down. "Without you, I've had to make my own purpose. That's why I stole Unicron."

Megatron looked up, yet again, and frowned. "Why?"

"Because," Soundwave ran his digits over a lever, "with the power of the chaos bringer at my fingertips, no one will never threaten me again... and more importantly, I'll get my revenge on you."

Megatron shook his helm. "Unicron is uncontrollable. You can't-"

Soundwave pulled down the level and suddenly Megatron's helm erupted in agony. Falling to his knees, Megatron yelled out in pain, a familiar and searing sense of lightning striking his very core.

You belong to me.

Soundwave returned the lever to it's previous position and left Megatron panting on the ground.

"Unicron is power. My power. I've been watching everything you do for years now, through your optics, utilizing the connection between the two of you," Soundwave explained. "All I needed was to exploit the energy of the shadow realm"

Megatron lifted his helm. "You can't do this."

Soundwave knelt and grabbed the ex-warlord's chin. "Can't I?"

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