Chapter 10: This is Literally My Hobby

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Minerva grunted as she was roughly thrown back into her room. The effortless control these soldiers had once displayed was gone, replaced by uncertainty and panic. She had no doubt the sizable chunk she'd ripped from White's arm gave her exactly the edge she desired.

He'd lose a lot of blood with that wound and surgery was probably taking place right this very second. She had a good bit of time before they had their leader back and order was restored. For now, the enemy would likely be distracted by their leader's injury. They've underestimated her.

This was her window of opportunity.

Alert eyes flickered across the room and Minerva paused. This was the same room they kept her in before. Although it had been cleared and the ruined cot was gone, Minerva was certain of this fact. On the wall across from the door, she could see a slit from where White had stabbed his knife next to her head in an attempt at intimidation.

Minerva smirked and walked over. Her fingers brushed over the wall's wound and came away. She rubbed tge pads of her fingers together and nodded. A moment later and her fingers were digging into the stab mark. She hissed, her fingers burning as she dug them into the concrete wall.

It wasn't until a drop of blood began to seep down the wall that Minerva pulled her hand free. In her palm rested numerous fragments of concrete. She examined her hand for a moment and grimaced, but the sight of her bloodied fingers didn't delay her escape for long. Minerva turned away and turned the door, sitting down and dropping her concrete down.

She pulled free the larger ones and began to carefully insert them between the door and the doorframe, watching and feeling carefully to make sure they were being wedged between the latch bolt and the strike plate. The concrete stopped and Minerva frowned, continuing to push it forward. Nothing.

A small huff escaped her and she dropped everything into the hole, only pulling out the cloest fragment. There was no way she'd be able to pull out the rest. She searched through the pile on the floor for something flat and skinny. It needed to be the right shape to slide in the crack and then push the latch bolt inward without snapping.

Minerva scowled at her options and then looked around. The mangled camera in the corner caught her attention and she ran over. A moment later, she returned with a chip and some out of the outer plating. A few minutes of carefully pushing the pieces into the crevice and then the door clicked unlocked, pushing inward just a little.

Minerva stepped back and stood up, expecting a group of guards to immediately notice and run inside, but instead, she was met by the sound of two men having a casual conversation.

"—time before everyone realizes Captain America is a real hero and then he won't have anywhere to hide anymore."

"Oh please, in the comic books, he was called Nomad when he left. Marvel has always incorporated politics into their storylines. They know that the tide is changing and people realize that sometimes authority isn't always right."

"Exactly, though! When Tony signed the accords, it meant–"

The mangled camera in hand, Minerva threw open the door and burst into the hallway. For a first three seconds, the men were too shocked to do anything and Minerva slammed the camera into the head of the guy who thought Captain America was a criminal.

Serves him right.

The three seconds of shock passed and when Minerva turned, the next guy had returned to the state of being a trained soldier. But Minerva had been dealing with trained soldiers for quite some time now. Maybe she'd never realized back home that she couldn't beat them in combat, because she'd never tried attacking them, but after the fiasco with her first escape attempt, she'd definitely learned that now.

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