Chapter 5: Dangerous Game of Hide & Seek

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Optimus frowned as a long-distance call request connected with his ears. He stood up and looked at the bots in the meeting apologetically.

"Sorry, I will be right back." He assured them.

"What is it?" Ratchet asked.

"I am not sure." Optimus replied before leaving the room.

He accepted the request and the voice on the other side made him immediately lower his head and quickly walk out of range of any eavesdroppers.

"Optimus. It has been a while." Megatron said.

"Yes, it has." Optimus replied. "I assume you are not stupid enough to have attempted contact with me without good reason, so what's wrong?"

"Perhaps it is your smallest Autobot is here on Earth, trying to kill me."

Optimus scowled. "Arcee."

"Yes. And there is another problem."

"Don't worry about her, I will call her back to Cybertron." Optimus said.

"You and I both know it is not that simple." Megatron told him. "One of the humans got herself involved. A child. Arcee would never, but we both know that other allies of hers would not hesitate to wring information from an fleshling."

"Is she with you?" Optimus asked.


Optimus frowned and started to pace. Megatron was quiet for a moment as he let the Prime think.

"What are your coordinates?"

"I'm not going to divulge such sensitive information over an unsecure comm link." Megatron scoffed.

Optimus nodded. "Right. What is her name?"

Megatron paused. "Minerva Bryce."

"Bryce?" Optimus blinked. "As in Agent Fowler's b— Nevermind. I'll be there soon."

"Wait, hold on." Megatron said incredulously. "You can't come here yourself."

"Who else would you trust not to try and kill you, Megatron?" Optimus raised an eyebrow.

There was a small growl from Megatron's end before the call ended. Optimus looked at the door and scowled.

Knowing Arcee, she was impatient in getting her tasks completed. He needed to get to Earth as soon as possible. help his greatest enemy.


Optimus sighed and activated his comms to inform his comrades that he was taking a leave of absence.


Minerva woke up at the sound of Megatron's footsteps nearing her location. Waking up wasn't too different than being asleep, considering it was pitch black in here.

"Megatron?" She asked, standing up and peering into the darkness.

Luckily for her, she did know where Megatron was at. His bright blue mechanical eyes were the only light in here.

"Your blindness is annoying." Megatron stated, messing with something by the wall.

There was a loud squeak that Minerva ignored. It was probably just a rat.

"What are you doing?" She asked, hearing metal bend and liquids slosh.


Minerva frowned and waited a long moment before there was a bright blue flame and the room lit up. Megatron held a flaming bowl in his hand and set it down on a shelf.

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