Chapter 9: Where Is Minerva Bryce

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"Alright, alright!" The human cried. "White's base is in Kansas. She was flown there immediately after extraction!"

Megatron snarled. "And Optimus?"

"I don't know!" He gasped as Megatron tighted his hold and panicked. "We made a deal with MECH! They have him! I don't know anything about them!"

Megatron pulled his arm back from over the top of the cliff and looked the human dead in the eyes. "If I find out you know some-"

"I don't! I swear I do-"

"Do not cut me off you repulsive organism!" Megatron roared. "You don't deserve the pleasure of your short and insignificant life."

"Please." The human begged. "Please, I was just following orders."

Megatron growled and tossed him to the side. "Tell your colleagues not to mess with my charges or next time, there will be no mercy."

"Yes, yes!" The human started to stumble away backwards, still watching Megatron. "Thank you, thank you!"

Megatron grunted. This human had told him the same information as the last flesh creature. Minerva was in Kansas and Optimus was with the organization that had taken Breakdown.


He thought he would have been done with them after the fiasco with C.Y.L.A.S., but clearly, they didn't need their leader in to be annoying.

"A little dramatic, don't you think?"

Megatron turned around and frowned at Bumblebee.

"We must be ruthless if we want to make others think we are ruthless." Megatron stated.

"Yes, but Raf could have offered him money or something instead of-"

Megatron rolled his eyes. "You want to make the criminal's life better?"

Bumblebee blinked. "No, no, that is not– Whatever. We should go."

"No." Megatron shook his head. "Optimus's location is still unknown and I have no way of locating him. If you want to find your leader, you'll be working with your pet. Let me know when you find him. Until then, I'm leaving to retrieve my human."

Bumblebee frowned. "You need backup. If they took Optimus, they could take you too."

"Perhaps, but I'm not wasting my time waiting for you to drive all the way there. You're slow and time is of the essence." Megatron stated. "Good luck."

He transformed, but Bumblebee took a step toward the jet. "Megatron, wait."

He waited.

"Optimus was..." Bumblebee trailed off, trying to think of what he was trying to say. "I know it was hard for you to let me help, but you did it for a reason. You know you need backup, so let me go with you."

Megatron didn't respond for a moment and Bumblebee thought he'd actually convinced the warlord.

"That is ridiculous, bug." Megatron rolled his eyes and flew away.

Bumblebee sighed and commed Raf. "Okay, so..."

It took Megatron almost two hours to reach the location given to them by the human operative. During that time, he had much to think about.

The human for one; Optimus wanted to keep her around, but despite all of the Prime's reasons, Megatron couldn't fathom why he would allow an impressionable and important person to remain around himself. Megatron was the most dangerous being on this side of the galaxy.

Optimus had proven again and again that he forgave Megatron for everything he'd done during the war. That alone was crazy. Optimus should know better. The amount of times Megatron had betrayed him was... far larger than he would like to admit.

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