Chapter 3: New Allies, But More Enemies

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Megatron turned his head, hearing the familiar voice shout into his cave. He stood, scowling, and stepped outside.

There she was, the same girl he had foolishly rescued last night.

"Go away." Megatron ordered flatly.

"I will, but they're coming for you."

He paused. "What?"

"Jackson Darby? Arcee? Sound familiar?" She asked. "They know you're hiding in the mines. They're going to come and kill you."

Megatron knelt. "How do you know this?"

"I overheard a conversation." She bit her lip. "I came to warn you, because you saved me."

Megatron sighed and stood up. "Then your mission is complete. Be gone."

He turned around and headed back inside.

"Wait, what are you doing?" She asked.

"I have killed more than you could possibly imagine." Megatron told her. "If the Autobots are coming for me, then I won't stop them."

"B-but they're going to kill you!"

Megatron looked at her. "Why are you still here? You've warned me. Leave."

"I came here to save you, not to watch you give up." She crossed her arms. "You can't just let them kill you."

Megatron scowled. "You don't understand. Get out."


He growled, showing off his dangerously pointed teeth.

"You clearly do not know who I am." Megatron pointed his sword at her. "If you don't leave me alone, I will kill you."

"No you won't." She scoffed. "You just implied you regretting killing people, why would you kill me?"

"Because you are annoying." Megatron hissed. "Go away!"

She sat down. "I'm not leaving until you leave."

Megatron reached down and grabbed her, making the girl squeak in surprise. He marched out of the cave and to the edge of the clearing before gently tossing her into the forest.

She scrambled to her feet and glared.

"Hey, Snowball!" She yelled. "You can't just throw people!"

"I'm Megatron, I can do whatever I want."

"Yeah?" She ran over and kicked his foot. "Well, I'm Minerva and I can too!"

Megatron scoffed. "That is a lame comeback."

"Well," Minerva huffed, "I feel very lame right now."

He rolled his eyes. "You-"


The two bickering beings snapped to attention as the forest suddenly parted and Arcee jumped out, her blasters pointed at him. Before he could even react, Arcee shot, throwing the warlord into the side of the cliff.

Minerva yelped and stumbled, landing on her hands and knees. Rocks crumbled away from the cliff and she scrambled to get clear.

Arcee ran forward, attacking Megatron ruthlessly, her arm blades digging into the warlord's armour. He only half-heartly defended himself as he tried to avoid squishing Minerva.

"Back to attacking humanity?" Arcee snarled.

He didn't reply, his eyes shifting to look at the figure running from the treeline toward them. Agent Darby grabbed Minerva's wrist and yanked her back.

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