Chapter 12: Fight or Flight

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The room erupted into chaos. It was Arcee and Dangercourse against Bumblebee. The moment the three began to fight, Raf ran to Minerva.

"Run. Get out of here, and we will find you," Raf ordered, pressing something into her hand.

Minerva took a step back. "What about–"

"Go!" Raf ordered.

She hesitated, but turned around and ran, sliding carefully between the table leg and the wall. The sound of transforming caught her attention and Minerva glanced back to watch as Raf's laptop transformed into a blaster. He picked it up and aimed at Dangercourse.

Minerva didn't wait to see what happened. Her feet pounded against the floor, but the sound was nothing compared to the sound of the grappling titans. She made it outside and ran through the woods, her arms held up to protect her face as branches lashed out.

She had no time to carefully navigate through the brush, not with the sound of battle still so close. Luckily, this wasn't the first time, not even the tenth time, she'd had to race through the woods. Minerva glanced at the object Raf had handed her, but it was a simple black cube, barely wider or taller than her thumb nail.

Minerva frowned and dropped it into her pocket so she could focus on running.

And running.

And running.

It seemed to be a pretty constant part of her life at this point. Just running, all the time, trying to escape the general, and now, trying to escape terrorists and evil alien robots.

But she couldn't fight back. Turning around and going back to help the others was out of the question. Another constant factor of her life? Minerva was always surrounded by people who could take her down if they wanted. Her only choice was to surrender or to run.

And Minerva Bryce never surrendered.

So she ran.


Megatron hated humans.

He did. Even if, perhaps, a few of them were bearable, the overall species was simply disgusting. Small, weak, ugly, squishy, loud—the list could go on. Megatron had officially made his decision. He hated them and that was final.

This revelation came to him the moment the signal locator picked up Optimus's signal. Megatron had been flying for hours, lost in thought, wait, hoping, that Optimus's signal would come to life. He neared an expanse of forest and his wish came true.

It was also that very same moment that a rocket hit the side of his alt. mode and sent him careening sideways, his stabilizers displaced and his trajectory spinning. Megatron transformed as he neared the ground, his large, sharp pedes crushing trees and ripping up clumps of dirt. In an attempt to keep himself balanced, his servos suffered the same fate, and then he still lost balance, rolling across the ground with as much grace as an explosion.

Megatron growled angrily as he stood. His frame was coated in dirt, some of it brown, some of it orange. He could already feel the small grains itching between his joints. Megatron looked up at the sky, spotting two jets, which were now circling out of shooting range.

But not for long. Megatron... Megatron didn't transform. His plates whirred loudly, shifting inward only slightly before popping back into their regular positions.

Megatron narrowed his optics.

The jets circled one last time before leaving and Megatron attempted transformation again. His gears failed him and his shot at a tree angrily, exploding it into dust.

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