Chapter 16: Safe & Sound

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Optimus had refused to return Minerva to Megatron that night because she was injured. It irked Megatron, but he didn't put up much of a fight.

Minerva had slept soundly for a while, until she awoke to the sound Megatron's restless kicking and murmuring. Optimus awoke along with her and his digits uncurled from around her body as he sat up. The two of them watched Megatron for a moment before Minerva stood up and ran toward him.

"Hold," Optimus ordered, placing his pede in her way.

Minerva glared up at him. "Someone needs to wake him up."

"I'll do it. Stay here."

Minerva bit her lip, but obeyed, watching as Optimus cautiously approached the ex-warlord. Megatron's digits curled and his breathing hitched, his body jerking as if an electric current was running through him.

Optimus reached Megatron and knelt, his servo hanging over Megatron's wrist in preparation of a reflexive attack.

"Megatron," the Prime started softly. "Megatron."

There was no response for a moment and Optimus reached forward, pressing his servo softly against Megatron's cheek.


Megatron's optics onlined and his white irises immediately locked onto Optimus. The two of them were silent, simply staring, and Megatron's breathing calmed.

Minerva kept silence, feeling as if she was watching some tender and sacred moment. The two old enemies stared into each other's optics until Optimus leaned back and pulled his servo away.

In an instant, Megatron had grabbed the Prime's wrist.

"Don't leave," Megatron said quietly.

Blue optics flashed purple.

"Don't leave," Megatron repeated louder. "I haven't finished you yet."

Megatron suddenly yanked Optimus forward and the Prime cried out as Megatron's other fist slammed into his face. In seconds, Megatron had climbed on top and pinned Optimus to the ground, his fists ramming into Optimus's face over and over.

"OPTIMUS!" Minerva screamed and ran forward, her eyes wide.

She reached the two of them and jumped into Optimus's battle mask, which had slipped into place not long ago. She looked up at Megatron in terror, her eyes gleaming.

"Stop," she begged. "Please."

Megatron stared at her, his face twisted ferociously. The Megatron she knew was gone. Minerva realized there was absolutely nothing she could do to stop him.

And then he stopped.

Megatron face went slack and his optics changed from sinister violet to shocked blue.

Minerva screamed.

There was a sword sticking out of his chassis.

Bumblebee shoved Megatron aside and knelt to Optimus. "Optimus!? Optimus, are you okay!? Optimus, say something!"

Minerva scrambled off the Prime's face and ran toward Megatron. "What have you done!?"

A pair of arms wrapped around her and Minerva bucked. "Let go of me!"

Raf pulled her back. "Stop, Minerva! He's out of control!"

"He's going to die!" she yelled.

"Well, he just attacked the only bot in the galaxy who would ever vouch for him!" Raf told her, pulling her away.

"I vouch for him!" Minerva cried.

"You're a manipulated teenager," Raf told her. "You don't know what he's capable of! Stop fighting me!"

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