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<Who do you ship? (no judgment just curious)>

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<Who do you ship? (no judgment just curious)>

     It's been a month and there has been no progress. Kirito and I are confident in our levels as we wait in town for a meeting that's to be discussed about the raid on the first boss.

"Kirito, you sure the meetings here?" I ask the boy as we wait.

"Yes, im confident. When have I ever been wrong?" He says, cocky as ever.

"True, well lets go then. No time to waste!" I say and pull Kirito by his hand.

     We make it to the meeting just in time, the announcement is simple in saying the boss has been found and mainly having to do with the handbook given to every player.

"We have found the boss so please team up into parties of six!" The man announced.

"Im sure well do fine ourselves. No need for extra weight." Kirito whispers to me.

"If you say so." We didn't do anything since were already in a party and close friends list.

     As the speech went on he discussed one of the books we took part in writing. The boss itself is no issue, its the location of the bosses that seem to have changed...

'At our current level with the stats we put into we should be able to defeat the boss in say half an hour.. but with a team we could do it in half the time.' I think so myself.

     Suddenly a man named Kabou jumped in, demanding the Beta testers to apologize for the deaths we didn't cause...

'This is stupid...' Looking over to Kirito I can tell he's very much affected by the situation..

     Placing a gentle hand on Kirito's hand I can feel the pain and self blame since he grabbed my hand tighter.

"Kirito.." I was about to comment but a nice tall man stepped in and defused the situation.

'Well he's intimidating...'

     I attempted to pull back my hand but it was still fairly grasped by Kirito so I allowed him to hold on for his own sake.

     The meeting finally ended and we all retreated to the center of town, some went to drink while others went to prepare for the dungeon.

"Kirito, what do you wanna do?" I ask the boy.

"My hunger is pretty low.. might as well eat." Kirito says while taking out 2 pieces of bread from his inventory and handling me one before grabbing his own.

"You know you can just let go of my hand if its easier.. I wont run away from you." I begin to laugh as Kirito begins to notice.

"Wait how long have I been holding your hand?" Kirito asked.

"All day, but I don't mind. We usually walk together anyways but im surprised you didn't notice..." I say as Kirito finally lets go of my hand.

     We both eat in peace as we have some bread with butter, not the best but the butter gives it enough flavor for the time being.

Kirito x Male OC-Sword Art Online- Abilities UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now