Ghost Girl

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A few days have passed. Kirito and Shinsei both have been living their lives to the fullest and have been enjoying one another's company. The first day involved a tour of the forest and village, they also indulged in the village foods that are delicacies on their floor.

The second day was special in their own right. Their day started off with a large breakfast which they both enjoyed. Followed by gathering ingredients from the forest with one another. Once they finished in the forest the pair made their way back to the village to meet up with Asuna. The three spent time together at a diner, discussing simple matters and mainly Asuna teasing the two. Finally, their day ended with a simplistic picnic prepared by Kirito and their chef being Asuna. Asuna managed to trade with Kirito without Shinsei noticing.


October 25th, 2024

Floor 22

Kirito's POV

     The day began with bliss. Shinsei and I both exhausted from the day prior, we lay in bed till early evening. Feeling a shift in bed and the tight grip around my waist was enough to wake me up. Opening my eyes to see Shinsei's body facing mine. Shinsei barely towered over me as I laid slightly lower than he did. His arms were wrapped around myself as I now noticed my legs intertwined with his. Our bodies so close I only now begin to hear his heartbeat.

     It was calming, helped put my mind at ease. I move closer, placing my head over Shinsei's bare chest. Shinsei's grip tightens as I got closer, seeming subconsciously. His warmth felt real, but the realization that the warmth I felt was artificial began to creep in my mind. I held tighter, wishing for this moment to never end.. for our bond to stay as is for ever. Even when we eventually escape this world... I hope Shinsei will still be the one I held while I slept...

"Kirito..." Shinsei groaned.

     I scoot back, red in the face due to how close I was. Managing to escape his grip Shinsei groaned once more as he sat up.

"Kiri? Is something wrong?" Shinsei said, rubbing his eyes.

"N-no, just thinking about us is all.." I admit.

"Oh really? What about us?" Shinsei says, his voice slightly deep due to just waking up.

     I stay silent, just for a second but that second was long enough for Shinsei to etch closer as my sudden silence caused him to worry.

"I.. I was just wondering what would happen once we beat the game. Wondering if our relationship.. if our relationship only exists in this world." I say lowly, afraid of what may happen next.

Kirito x Male OC-Sword Art Online- Abilities UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now