I Promise..

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October 17, 2024

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October 17, 2024

Floor 74: Dungeon

     As Kirito and make our way through the dungeon, were taking our time mapping out the rooms and pathways that we go through.

     A sudden wave of lizard men spawn a few feet ahead of us as they thrust forward to attack.

     Kirito reacted quickly as he cut down two of the monsters then dealt with the final one with his sword skill which was over kill.

"Well done Kiri, these guys are popping up suddenly at every turn now huh." I comment.

"Thanks, but yeah I guess.. makes things difficult for us." Kirito replies as he sighs at the extra work.

"I think we mapped out a good chunk of the dungeon so far, wanna head back?" I offer and Kirito agrees.


     As we make our way through the dungeon towards the exit a sudden wall flickers once. Then it flickers once more as it repeats and a new corridor appears behind the walls and the path lights up the way to a circular room at the end.

"Kiri look, this path opened up!" I say as I run towards the open path.

"Huh? What pa-" Kirito says but quickly silences.

"Kiri?" I ask confused.

     Turning around I see the walls surrounding me but the entrance now covered with a wall separating the two of us.

"A trap? This should be fun!" I say excitingly as I make my way to the rooms center.

"Don't wait... the time will never be just.. right?" I say reading out the writing along the walls ahead of me.

'So I came here for an inspirational quote?'

     The words inscribed into the walls suddenly shine as they all morph into one chain of text saying 'Devotion'. Then quickly disperse as the shards float towards the ceiling.

'Devotion... now that's inspiring.' I thought in a sarcastic manner.

     I continue on my walk around the room to see nothing of significance besides one item with no name as it shows none once in my inventory. I proceeded to attempt to equip it but was met with no result... even trying to delete the item was impossible as it was glued to my inventory permanently.

"Great, my OCD won't be happy about that." I sigh as I make my way to the center to take one last look at the room then suddenly was transported to the entrance of the dungeon.

"Teleportation? I didn't know dungeons had rooms like that." I say as I ponder.

     A sudden beep echos, as more beeps rapidly pop up causing Shinsei to focus on his notifications to see Kirito spamming him.

Kirito x Male OC-Sword Art Online- Abilities UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now