Murmurs and Rumors

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(Don't mind the pic above

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(Don't mind the pic above.. thought it was cute~)

March 5th, 2024

Floor 54:

The night sky above covered in a layer of stars shining through the moonless night. The cold air feels of mint as we walk through the town.

"Hey Kirito, are you sure you'd rather stay here than floor 56?" I ask.

"Yeah, since the meeting takes place on floor 56 it's gonna be packed there. I'd rather stay somewhere more quiet." Kirito says.

"True, it's beautiful here and the room we got has a kitchen!" I say in excitement.

"Is that the only thing you enjoy? Whenever there's a kitchen you're ecstatic." Kirito says with a laugh.

"Of course. I maxed out my cooking skill a while ago but we've been busy I haven't been able to make us a proper meal." I say.

"Well tonight you can go all out. I can't wait to try it." Kirito says as we enter the room.

Getting all excited for what I can cook I quickly head to the kitchen and gather whatever ingredients I have at my disposal. To be fair I have quite the plethora of ingredients prepped and sorted just for this very occasion.

As I begin cooking my plethora of dishes I look over to see Kirito in his sleepwear staring.

"Is there something you need Kirito?" I ask as I place a dish in the oven.

"No, it's just you'd make a great house wife." Kirito comments with a slight chuckle.

"Really? You can already see our life together?" I say with a grin, teasing the boy.

"I-I never said that exactly."

"You were thinkin it~"

"When's the food done." Kirito attempts to change topics.

"Give me 10 more minutes, dinner will be ready soon love." I say teasingly once more.

Kirito being a flustered mess decided to leave it at that as he sat back down in silence.

Dinner was served and it was spectacular. Kirito for sure enjoyed it saying 'This is the best meal I've ever had in years' and 'Perfect as always'. This makes me happy he's enjoying the food, he says the same thing every time he has my cooking.

     Still.. I'm glad. I can't wait for the future.

'He's actually... pretty cute...'


March 6, 2024

Floor 56: Pani

The day was bright and the sky a beautiful shade of light blue. Weather being at its most optimal settings and not a monster in sight.

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