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October 19, 2024

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October 19, 2024

Floor 50: Algade

Walking through the streets of floor 50, with my hood on and mask covering the lower portion of my face I try my best to keep a low profile.

Listening to the steps surrounding me, I heard someone running past as a female voice was saying-

"Excuses me, coming through!"

     The voice was familiar, very familiar in fact. Looking to my left I saw Asuna as she weaves past an NPC as she continued in the direction of Agil's shop.

"Hey Asuna!" I shout once she's in earshot.

"Oh! Shinsei come with me, there's a problem!" Asuna said in a state of panic.

     I had no time to refuse as she pulled me by the hand, all the way back to the Warp Gate.


Floor: 55 Grandzam

"Outside of Boss Fights I don't believe we have officially met, Shinsei." Heathcliff announced.

"Although that may be true, I doubt I was dragged here for introductions Heathcliff." I respond.

"Hmm, straight to business then I suppose." Heathcliff began. "You see let's take floor 67 for example. During the bout we suffered many casualties and there hasn't been any further casualties since."

"I'm going to stop you there. I know what you're going to ask and or accuse me of, I've prepared myself for this very situation when I first got this skill." I interrupt as I felt the pressure of the room tense.

"Oh? Well then, you're more prepared than what I took you for. I suppose I needn't ask my next question." He says.

I shake my head. "I know what you want.. and I won't do it." I respond.

     Heathcliff was taken aback at the rejection. Only a second later he composed himself.

"It's because of that Kirito, correct?" Heathcliff said with a smirk.

"Of course. He's my partner so it only makes sense we stay 'solo'." I respond.

"I see, and how does Asuna play apart in all this? She recently has asked for a leave of absence, the predicament I'm currently in makes things complicated. I'm sure you understand."

"I understand perfectly, but can you blame Asuna? Her last body guard that was put in place by yourself, doesn't exactly look too good." I retort.

"Yes that is true, and I apologize for his actions.... Although, Asuna has slowly become a liability, her constant disappearance now a days have been made ever so clear."

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