What I Want

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November 1st, 2024

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November 1st, 2024

Floor 1: Town of Beginnings

     The large room was filled with chatter as the crowd of children all sat and ate. The three of us along with the caretaker Sasha, sat at a table to the side. Yui was enjoying a simple meal as Kirito and I discussed Yui and her lack of memory.

"I'm sorry, but I never seen Yui before." Sasha says.

"Back to square one then.." I respond and Kirito sighs.

     A loud knock echoed and a minute later a boy with hazel hair and a green shirt ran towards our table. Sasha was the first person to stand as she noticed the worried expression the boy wore. I stood soon after as Sasha walked away and towards the boy who mentioned something about the front door.

     I followed Sasha while Kirito followed Yui as she was following myself. Once we made it to the entrance Sasha opened the door while I stayed by her side as Yui held onto my shirt.

     While I expected a bunch of soldiers who came to cause trouble. We were instead met with a woman with long gray hair and clearly was apart of the army.

"Sorry to bother you, I'm Yulier." Yulier introduced herself with a bow.

"You're with the army. I hope you're not here to cause trouble due to what happened the other day." I say.

"God no. In fact I'm here to thank you. You did right by putting those awful men in place." She began. "In fact I came to ask the both of you for help." She said firm and serious.

"You're serious?" I asked.

'The thought of someone from the army asking for help seemed unbelievable. The entire purpose of the Liberation Army was to give equal support to all their members after all...'

"Please come inside, we can discuss in detail once we take a seat." Sasha recommended.

     We all agree and Sasha then escorts us to a secluded room with a large round table and with enough chairs for each of us.

     Once seated Sasha left for a moment to get tea for us all and some milk for Yui. While Yui would seemingly dose off, the rest of us continued the conversation from before.

"When the guild was first formed we- well actually our leader, Thinker. He never wanted the guild to turn into the kinda dictatorial organization it's now become." Yulier stated. "At first the purpose of the guild was to share information with all its members. Also divide food equally with each player as best we could."

"But the guild grew too large, didn't it?" Kirito chimed in.

"Correct, and after a lot of internal struggle one man became very powerful. His name is Kibaou. His group became stronger and stronger as the days went by, monopolizing all the best monster spawn locations for themselves. It's become out of control, to the point to where they export other players under the pretex of collecting players "taxes"." Yulier continued her speech while the rest of us sat in silence.

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