7 - Stark Tower

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Entering Stark Tower has always been an absurd experience for Peter. Today was no different.
Although it might have been a bit different...

After going trough the long-lasting hazard that is the security check-up at the entrance, Peter was already exhausted. Apparently he doesn't quite fit the image of an intern of Stark Industries, resulting in five people throwing him weird glances in the span of ten minutes.

Though this bothered him a bit, nothing could destroy Peter's exceptional mood. Of course he always seems giddy and in high spirits, but today was one of these days where everything just felt right. Acing the chem test, conversations with Ned and MJ and spending hours with Mr. Stark in his lab.

He would never say it to his mentor's face, but Tony Stark has earned a place in Peter's heart that can never be denied. He feels completely at peace with him - as if he doesn't have to act like he is someone who he is not. Not really.

Before he even got the chance to press the button next to the elevator, the door opened and the first thing Peter noticed was two voices arguing - he heard them even before the doors opened, of course (heightened senses are really paying off). Peter didn't even get the chance to mentally prepare himself to converse politely with who he thought would be a random employee of Stark Industries; probably with a fancy suit and the weird hair styles every second business man and their mother seems to wear.

But oh how wrong he was. Looking up, he came face-to-face with the Black Widow. THE Natasha Romanoff. Even though Peter is convinced of the fact that he kept a straight face, he fainted on the inside. As Natasha stepped out of the unusually huge elevator, she revealed a grinning Clint Barton (kind of evil-ish to be honest).

"You must be Peter!".


Mr. Stark:
Where are you kid? You shoulda been here 20 minutes ago, I can't remember a day where you were THIS late

Did you lose your backpack again?

How many times do I have to tell you to stop "hiding" it in obvious places

I'm so sorry Mr. Stark!

Mr. Stark:
Don't worry about it, I'll buy you a new one. Just get here, I wanna take a look at your web shooters again.

No no that's not why I'm not there yet

Mr. Stark:
Then what is it?

I was kidnapped?

Mr. Stark:

Not in a bad way!!!!!!

Mr. Stark:

It was by Ms. Romanoff and Mr. Barton!

We're in the common room :,)

You see the emoticon is crying because
of happy tears

But also nervous tears because OH MY GOD

Mr. Stark:
Oh dear lord, these idiots

I'll come safe you

No need, really!!

Just come watch a movie with us

Please? ^_^

Mr. Stark:


Do better, Mr. Stark.Where stories live. Discover now