15 - You're too important

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Avengers Groupchat (w/o cinnamon roll)

How is Peter?

We're dying over here Tony

Can't this wait until you are back?


Please Tony, everyone is worried.

Yeah, even Nat and Bucky

Shut up Sam.

Shut up Sam.

Plus it'll take like 20 years until we're
outta here, there's some issue with processing these punks because they're so young

Fine. Just make sure they're
getting what they deserve.

According to Dr. Green, Peter shows signs
of starvation. No serious injuries beyond that.



What the hell Tony. Don't you at
least check if he's eating enough?

Seriously man, what kind
of mentor are you?

Woah now don't go blaming me, he
has been eating as far as I know!

Bruce just informed me that it wasn't
nearly enough though, turns out another
spider-y thing about him is his fast metabolism.

Kind of like mine?

Yup, but like 3x faster.

Poor kid. Don't beat yourself up too
much, you couldn't have known Tony.

Thanks Cap.

No wonder he was too weak to fight back...

Don't think you're off the hook concerning
this Spider stuff, I'm still confused

I think he just woke up

Gotta go

Tell маленький паук we will
be there as soon as possible.


As soon as Peter (groggily) opened his eyes, Tony was right by his side. Still confused as to what happened exactly, he couldn't really interpret what was on his mentors mind; he seemed... worried? No, that couldn't be right. He's probably angry.

"I am SO sorry Mr. Stark. You probably had so many important things to do because, well duh - you're Tony Stark. And there I go again wasting your time and- oh crap the Avengers were there weren't they?! Or did I hallucinate? Might as well have been, wasn't my proudest moment... Oh god they probably think I'm so wea-" and that was all he got out before he noticed Tony's face... smiling at him? What...?

"Jesus kid, just breathe for a second, will you? You literally JUST woke up, stop hyperventilating." he said. Peter quieted down at that. "Sorry, Mr. Stark.".

"Stop apologizing, and cut the Mr. Stark crap. I'm Tony" he emphasizes. "You didn't waste anybody's time. Definitely not mine. They care about you, we all do. Even if it means having to break into crappy warehouses in random alleyways in Queens. Now please, tell me what the hell happened."

Peter took a second to react, still processing everything that just came out of Tony's mouth. The Avengers... cared about him? That was something he'd have to wrap his mind around, but firstly, he had to piece together what happened on the oh-so eventful patrol.

"Okay, uhm, yeah sure. So, I was on patrol, as usual. And it actually got quite boring at some point, but Karen said there was a bank robbery not far from where I was, so I went to check it out."

"Naturally" Tony sarcastically muttered.

"That's what I do, Mr. Stark. I mean, uh... Tony. Anyways, when I got there, I thought I recognized the robbers' voices. Turns out they were four kids I know from a support group May forced me to go to after my Uncle Ben's death. They're only slightly older than me - 18, I think - and the each have lost important people and went through so much. I think they were just... desperate, y'know? Then they heard police sirens and I guess they panicked, so they kind of just... took me?" Peter took a quick breath, just now realizing how much he's speaking for someone who just woke up from fainting.

"What do you mean they just 'took you'? How does that even happen?" Tony followed up. Honestly, Peter didn't have an answer to that either. "I don't really know, to be honest. I guess I haven't been feeling very well that day, kinda exhausted. And it was four against one, so I didn't really stand a chance. But they didn't hurt me, at least not intentionally, I swear!"

Tony couldn't believe his ears. The kid got KIDNAPPED and still defends these people? "You have a good heart, underoos. That's great and all, but you can't let people push you around. Right now, it doesn't matter if they were desperate or not, you don't just rob a bank, alright? That ain't the right solution." He sighs. "And PLEASE, for the love of all things good, take better care of yourself. Your aunt and I - hell, the whole team as well - were worried sick.".

Peter froze at that last sentence. "You told Aunt May?!". Tony chuckled. "Sorry kid, I think you've got a lot of explaining to do.".


Aunt May:

Heh, hi aunt may..

Aunt May:
Don't hi aunt may me young man!

You could've DIED

I wouldn't have! They're
actually really nice!

Aunt May:
Oh yeah, because really nice people
rob banks and kidnap 16 year-olds.

Well if you put it like that >:(

I'm really sorry May, I didn't want to
worry you. I promise I'll be more careful.

Aunt May:
You better. You're too important to
me, Peter. To everyone, really.

Larb you May <3

Aunt May:
Larb you too <3

Now, as soon as you get home, you
better tell me EVERYTHING.

Will do!

Aunt May:
I talked to Tony though, I want you moving
as little as possible in your condition. You can stay at the tower for the weekend, but make
sure to eat please!

Omg thank you May! I will!!!

Do better, Mr. Stark.Where stories live. Discover now