Chapter 1

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"What" I shouted being pulled out my thoughts, my wolf eyes showing making everyone at the table shut up, my wolf had been making an appearance a lot recently.
Someone coughed to my left making me turn "ummm, are you ok?" Danny mumbled to me
"Just fucking fantastic" I said sarcastically as I stood up and walking out the cafeteria and into the boys bathroom.
"I can do this, I can do this, I've done it the last 3 months, only 1 week to go, I can.....not do this any more" sliding down the wall. I had my head in between my knees. They let me stay to finish school but after that I'm gone, but really I've been in pain constant pain knowing my mate is right next to me and I can't do anything about it, I can't tell them, nothing, maybe I should just go, it might save me.
The rest of the school day everyone avoided me, it was for the best, I ran out of school and into my car and got the hell out of there, I went to the woods and ran and ran and ran until I collapsed and cried myself to sleep. I had blocked my mindlink and I woke up to everyone screaming for me, I did not reply even to Jack, there has been so many times I have wanted to say something but I'm not sure where to start and even if he would believe me so....... I'm just leaving it.
So when you turn 18 you find your mate, and as you can guess I did but they didn't notice as they are not 18 and a little stupid sometimes, yet no big deal apart from who my mate is and who their father is and let's say father found out and is not so happy about it so has banished me as soon as school finishes.
I also found out that I have been lied to most of my life by the people I thought were my parents but that's a story for a different day. I needed to let off some steam and anger so I went hunting and had a very good day, I opened my link up and messaged, been hunting 4 deers on the south post come and get them then closed the link and went North and swam in the lake to wash off the blood, my necklace floating around my neck, Jack got it for me when I turned 13, it's massive on me but my wolf Tobias it fits perfect, I have got him one for his 18th I hope he will wear it.

Something I found interesting when I turned 18 Alpha Louis's authority voice stopped working on me, I don't or won't submit to him and I think he has noticed, but oh well like I care. I guess I better go back to the pack house, I don't think I can get away with 2 nights outside. I grab some spare clothes by the lake and make my way back to the pack house, humming a song. I walked into the lounge to find a load of people staring at me, I roll my eyes and start to walk past them as Jack jumps up out of his girlfriends arms "where have you been?, you didn't answer any of us?" The room was silent I looked over everyone and then back to Jack "I've been.....around, happy"
I shoulder him out the way as Alpha Louis booms "that is not an answer that is acceptable" I turn to look at him as everyone submits apart from me which I see Jacks eyes widen "And??, what's it got to do with you where I have been?"
A couple of people gasp "you are part of this pack and we need to know where all our members are" I start to laugh, I can't help it, I shake my head and walk off and the Alpha roars, at that point I have nothing to lose so I turn back to him "Look mr Alpha you lost my respect awhile back and you know why, an Alpha doesn't act the way you did to me, so due to that my wolf doesnt respect you so your aura does not effect me, now good night" I turned and walked out and went to my room, locking my door.

The next day at school everyone had heard what happened last night with Alpha Louis. It was a mixed school with humans so we had to be careful around them. I was friends with some of them but most of my pack kept away from them.
Mark came over to me "hey, how's it going, you don't look so good" I look at him and then give a weak smile "shit at home, I'm basically getting kicked out, but please don't tell anyone" I said looking around, he gave me a sad smile "ok but if me and Jason can help let us know" at that point Jason came up to his boyfriend and kissed his cheek "morning baby" "morning babe" they are just so cute, I should be doing that with my mate, I felt my heart break a little bit.  All 3 of us walked down the hall when I saw some of my pack members with Jack and his girlfriend, no idea her name, slut 1 or 2 or maybe it's 3 who cares. Anyways, someone shouted "look it's the fags, someone should throw you in a very dark whole and leave you there, no one wants to see that, it's horrible" they all started laughing and throwing things at Jason and Mark, including Jack that's when my heart finally gave up and I collapsed.

I woke up to a very white room and Mark, Jason and unfortunately Jack, I groaned and they all jumped up "are you ok, you gave us a scare?" Mark said grabbing my hand I looked at Jack who had an angry facial expression "Umm I think so, why does my head and chest hurt?" The nurse walked in "ahh so your up, you gave your friends a bit of a scare, does your head hurt?" I nodded "here take these, they should help with the headache, your gonna have a nice bruise on your head for a while" I turned to Jason and Mark "How long was I out for?" "Ummm all day it's 2:30" "Oh" I didn't really know what else to say.
"We are gonna have to go Caspin, we have a date tonight" mark said whilst smiling at Jason, Jack just huffed in the back, I gave him daggers and he looked away "ok well have fun, don't do anything i wouldn't do" I said with a wink and they both laughed "are you gonna be ok to get home" Jason said as he opened the door "yes, I'm taking him home" Jack growled out, I rolled my eyes at Jason as he closed the door.
I just stared at Jack, I've had enough. He was looking at me as if I was a puzzle "what do you want Jack?" "What do I want, your the one that collapsed, that has been acting strange for months, I want to know what is wrong with my best friend" his eyes softened
"You will find out soon enough" and with that I got off the bed and left the room grabbing my bag and heading for the car park. The car ride was silent. I jumped out the car as soon as it was at the pack house.

First chapter done!!!!!

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