Chapter 9

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Angry, I'm angry so angry it's coursing through my veins, it's what keeps me going I want to know why, why would anyone do this to a child, we have remembered bits and pieces but it's still a mess. Caspin is slowly breaking apart, I know Jax would accept us that's not the problem, we have no idea if Jack would, what's happened to his father?. Caspin begged me to stop and go for help at the last pack but I refused, I have taken over, I will keep Caspin safe as no one else seems to be able to.
I think I felt Jax's trying to contact me but it's just a faint mumbling over the mindlink.
My only job is to get Caspin / Angel home so he can be Alpha where he belongs. I made sure to stay away from the next two packs but I did end up being close to the second packs border when I was chasing dinner, they saw me and started to chase me but I'm faster, we are now in Canada and I'm having so much fun hunting the land, I'm home but I feel like something is my heart....
I'm doing this for Caspin, he is safe when he is with me and only me, no one else can keep him safe.
"Our mate can you idiot, Tobias, we need to go back, we need Jack and Jax's" Caspin was basically shouting at me. But I ignored him and started to hunt the deer that was eating grass.

We left Felix's place in wolf form and moved quickly through the next state, we had just stopped at a small town as we needed a shower and Danny hurt his paw so we thought a night in the warm was a good idea. I had my map out over the bed.
"So the next pack starts as the town ends, we can make contact with them tomorrow then the second pack is probably another 3 days in wolf form and that runs along the border of Canada" i said pointing at the border as my phone rang
"Hi Felix, how are you"
"Hi Jack, I'm surprised you answered your phone thought you would be travelling in wolf form"
"Yes we were but Danny hurt his paw and we were close to a town so thought we would get a good nights sleep and a nice hot shower"
"Aww ok, so I contacted Alpha Pete and Alpha Andrew regarding Caspin and yesterday one of the patrols caught a glimpse of a gold wolf on the edge of there borders, so I'm calling to say that Caspin is in Canada, I have got you permission to enter Alpha Andrews land to cross into Canada, you won't need to meet him, I have given him descriptions of your wolves if that was ok?"
I was smiling like a Cheshire Cat "yes yes that's fine thank you, we are currently in the town outside Alpha Petes territory so I will phone Pete next to let him know that we want to come through his territory, hopefully we should be at Alpha Andrews borders by Sunday, thank you again Felix"
"No problem, just let me meet your mate when he comes home, oh also, whilst I was talking to Andrew, he said the pack in Canada is very small and has basically no contact with any other packs because they don't trust them since a pup was taken 13 or so years ago, it would tie in with Caspin being taken"
"Yes that would make sense, not to trust any one, I guess that could make it difficult for us, as we are just gonna rock up there with no warning....oh well, it's a bit in the future but thank you for doing this for me Felix" "No problem speak to you later".
After speaking to Alpha Pete and talking to Danny and Matt, we all got a good nights sleep.
The next few days were a blur of trees, we only stopped when Matt and Danny couldn't go on, Jax had taken over and just wanted to leave them behind but I kept reminding him that we needed them to help if anything had happened to Caspin, which made him back down.
Felix had given me the address of a small town that he thought maybe where Caspin came from but the pack hasn't had contact with other packs in over 10 years so I'm not sure what we are going to find, I'm just holding my breath.
Canada is stunning so much snow, our wolves have had so much fun playing in the snow once we stopped for a break, hunting food has been a bit harder, our wolves stand out to much against the white snow, it's definitely been a learning curve. Once or twice we got out smarted by bunnies...... come on bunnies!!!!

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