Chapter 7

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I am racing through the trees, Jax's loves to run, loves to be free.
"I miss our mate" Jax whimpers in my head
"I know I do too, but hopefully we can get some answers out of Grant and David, we need to get answers"
"Jack slow down" Danny said through our mindlink, I looked around and started to slow down, I hadn't realised I was so far ahead of them, I just need to find Caspin.
"We can't run as fast as you, we don't have Alpha blood Jack" Matt said panting through our link
"Sorry guys, I got tunnel vision, let's have a break here" they collapsed by the stream drinking the water. After 30 minutes we started our next part of the journey, we arrived at Alpha Felix's at dusk.
"Welcome" boomed a voice as we came out from the trees after getting dressed. I'm 6foot Felix has to be at least 6'6, I learnt from a young age Felix is a hugger, no hand shakes, I was quickly engulfed in a hug "Good to see you again Alpha Felix" "congratulations on the Alpha title, shame it had to be done the way it was " he said letting me go "Yeah" I didn't know what else to say, turning and introduced Matt and Danny.
"Let's get you to your rooms so you can shower then have dinner" we followed the giant teddy bear in, he has a scary ish aura but he is a teddy bear really, I think he is in his late 20's maybe. The packhouse was pretty not to big but not to small, I know only the Alpha and Beta families live in the pack house, and they only have 4 guest rooms where as most other packs have between 6-10 rooms. We walked through the kitchen and up a flight of stairs, he showed Matt and Danny to their rooms and then showed me to mine before leaving he turned to me "After dinner we can talk about what's going on and tomorrow go and see the prisoners" I just nodded "my mate will come and get you when dinner is ready" he said turning and closing the door behind him.

I stripped my clothes off and headed to the shower, getting in and letting the warm water relax my muscles, I closed my eyes as Jax flashed a lot of hot images of Caspin doing naughty things to me
"Jax stop it, your not helping" he just snorted in my head, I now had a problem to deal with, so I let the images flash through my mind as my hand slowly went back and forth along my hard shaft, I was imagining Caspin on his hands and knees with my dick in his mouth, as I face fucked him, my hands racking through his beautiful golden hair, his stunning ocean blue eyes looking up at me, I picked up my pace and came groaning out "Caspin", I quickly showered myself clean and stepped out the shower and dried myself with a towel.
A knock at the door and a head popping through got me out my trance of staring out the window. "Hi Alpha Jack, I'm Luna Alice, Felix asked me to come and get you guys for dinner" "hi Luna Alice, thanks, let's go and get the boys" I knocked on Matt and Danny's doors and we quickly followed Luna Alice down stairs and into the dining room, she showed us to our seats, there were already people sitting with Felix, Alice sat next to Felix. "Evening Alpha Felix" I said as I sat down "Evening Alpha Jack, let me introduce everyone, you have met Alice, next is my Beta Brad and his mate Laura, then my Gamma Paul and his mate Ben and Lastly is my head warrior Tom" I nodded said hello to them then introduced Matt and Danny. Dinner was lovely it was roasted duck with veggies and roast potatoes, yes it was a lovely evening but I kept looking at the clock, I came here for a reason and I'm just sitting around, this is not helping in finding my mate, I think Alpha Felix could see I was getting restless. "Ladies and Ben sorry but we will have to leave you, we have some things to discuss in the office" we all stood up as some Omegas came in to clear the plates. I stopped one of them giving them a fright "I Apologise for scaring you but please can you thank the chef for a wonderful meal" the Omega was just staring at me "Ummmm, yes yes of course, Thank you Alpha" he quickly hurried away, I turned to see Luna Alice smile at me.
We walked into Alpha Felix's office which was huge, he offered me a chair and we sat down followed by his Beta Brad, there were only 3 chairs so Paul, Tommy, Matt and Danny stood behind us.
"So Jack, do you mind me calling you Jack you can call me Felix" "that's fine with me"
"Ok so can you tell me what's going on, why I had my men chasing Grant and David for the last 10 days" I sighed and leant back in the chair "ummm so my best friend Caspin is also my Beta, he had his 18th birthday about 3 months before me and started to act strange. Now on my 18th birthday I found my mate, well I found out it was Caspin however for some reason Caspin never told me, I went to my father to say that Caspin was my mate and I found out that my father knew and had threatened to kill Caspin if he told me, he then kicked him out the pack and had Grant and David hunt him down, so I have been trying to find Caspin or at least stop Grant and David"
"Oh wow, yeah your father isn't the nicest person when it comes to same sex mates, I've taken a lot of your pack mates in that he kicked out" "I never knew this, I can't believe he would do this, I've only just started to find out what he is really like by going through the office and all the paper work."
"So we caught David and Grant they are in the cells, we did have a few sightings of a golden  wolf but he was too fast, is he really gold?" "Caspin, well I think his wolf is gold but my father told me it was a caramel colour but I didn't believe him why?" "Gold wolves are rare like white wolves, gold wolves are pure bloods, are his parents gold?" "Don't know, he is adopted, well so we were told David is his adopted dad"
"Something isn't right, his pack would have looked after him, if his parents died a gold wolf would never be abandoned, first thing tomorrow we speak to David" I nodded in agreement "so how did you catch them in the end?"
"It was a bit of luck and I think Caspin helped out too, we had tried a couple of times to chase them but they were to good at disappearing so we had the whole warrior team hiding in different parts of the forest and then had 2 of them chase David and Grant into the forest whilst Caspin was in front but at the edge of the tree line, once we caught David and Grant we went looking for the gold wolf but couldn't find him anywhere he just vanished, no scent, no broken branches nothing" I nodded and smirked "did you look up?" "What do you mean?" "He hides in the trees, he has always been able to shift fluidly, it doesn't really cause him pain so he can jump and shift into a wolf like everyone else but he can also jump as a wolf and shift into a human before he lands on his feet" I looked at Matt and Danny "I did not know that about him" Danny said looking at Matt "I think I was the only one who knew"I said smiling remembering when he showed me at the river when we were 14.
"Jack do you know why, Caspin is still running?" "He probably doesn't know that my father is in the cells, he might think that he will send others after him, he left me a small note saying he was heading North so I'm going to to carry on up the states and into Canada" "well I will phone the 2 Alpha's in the next state and explain what is happening and advise them you will be passing through and for them to look for Caspin, if that's ok?" "Yes thank you so much" "ok guys well that's it for tonight, see you at 8:30 for breakfast". We all left and made our ways to our rooms. I went to open my door "He is still alive, that's a good thing, we will find him and get him back for you" I turned to look at Matt, I just nodded as I stepped through the door closing it behind me.

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