Chapter 4

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I spoke to Caspin's mum as David is his dad, they were always so nice but it was all fake they didn't care about him, they didn't care he had disappeared, it's like they are part of this somehow, maybe my father spoke to them and they agreed to it, don't know but she is staying in the basement along with my parents and David will be there to when I find him. I walked out the cells it was now 7pm I mindlinked everyone "pack house now, urgent meeting". 10 minutes later our meeting hall was full and I was standing at the front without my father and without Caspin, Jaxs howled in sadness. I looked at my friends in the front row and they all had sad faces.
"As you are aware on Saturday I put Alpha Louis and Luna Emma in the cells" there were gasps "Quiet!" I bellowed "you will notice that my second in command, my best friend Caspin should be standing up here with me but is not" you could see people looking around "this is because Caspin is my mate and my parents behind my back banished him and he is currently being chased down by David and Grant so they can kill him on the orders of my Father our Alpha"
growls were heard throughout the hall "we have been unable to contact any of them, if you have any information on the where abouts of Caspin my mate your Luna please tell me, I will be heading out to track down Grant and David to make sure they do not hurt Caspin and to make sure they are punished for the crimes they are committing, thank you" Jaxs was growling so loud in my head. I got out the room as quick as possible avoiding everyone that wanted to talk to me, I was being a child but I just needed to be by myself for a couple of minutes,

I closed the door to my office and leaned against the door closing my eyes I could see Tobias in all his glory his golden fur shining against my grey silver fur as we run through the forest, everyone always said it was Caramel colour but to me it always looked gold. I was taken out my day dream by a knock at the door "just leave me alone" I mumbled as I opened the door to see my brother Jamie.
He pushed me to my seat, I raised my eyebrows at him "myself and Brad will run the pack for you whilst you look for your mate, once pack law get here, I will ask them for extra help but if you don't find him by the time school should start I need you to come back and send someone else out, I will be back at school and I won't be able to run the pack and go to school" I just stared at him for a few minutes letting it all sink in. He is such an amazing brother, I got up and hugged him "Thank you, I don't know what I would do with out you, how are you holding up with everything that's happened to mum and dad?" "I'm......ok.....I just can't believe they did that, I mean I would never have guessed, I've never seen dad that angry about anything and to find out he has been kicking people out and lying about it and to do this to his own son" he shakes his head.

Run, run run that's all I'm thinking about out run David and Grant. Tobias was not happy he kept saying we need to be with mate.
"Tobias I need you to understand we are doing this for our mate, when it's safe we will be with him, ok.?" I felt him nod in my head, I had no plan of where I was heading but my heart was saying to head North so that's what I'm doing, I have run for nearly 10 hours I need to get some rest, I see a town to my left so shift and put my clothes on and head in, I find a hotel and have a lovely shower hoping to wash away the pain and hurt of the so called people I called family. Part of me knows Jack wouldn't reject me but there is still a small part of me that thinks his father will turn him against me.
"Jaxs would never reject us" Tobias stated
"The wolf never rejects it's always the human side Tobias, it's up to Jack" I could feel the pain, hurt and uncertainty coming from Tobias.
"Have you managed to contact anyone? Nope, nothing I think it's because we are Rogue now Caspin" he sounded so sad.
"Where are we heading Casp?" "I feel a pull to the north so I thought I would just follow the pull"
We need to change our scent David and Grant are brilliant trackers and have managed to keep up with me, so I need to change it up, I also know that there is a wolf pack in the next state so I will have to run around the perimeter, I don't feel like I can trust an Alpha ever again, I wish it was as simple as going up to the next Alpha and saying I've been turned rogue because of X,Y and Z but they probably have the same feelings as Jacks father and would kill me.
"Don't think like that Caspin" Tobias whimpers in my head.
I headed out early the next day, wanted to get as much distance as possible between me and David and Grant.

It's been a week I have had to take the long way round a lot of pack lands making my journey harder I have also started to remember bits before I was adopted, but the funny thing is I don't think I was adopted I was taken but I don't know why or from who. Tobias has been helping me, he thinks the reason we are heading north is I'm originally from that way, fingers crossed I will find someone who remembers me, wait is my name even Caspin????
I was told from a young age I was adopted by my parents as my real parents died in a rogue attack which killed all the adults, I believed this well why wouldn't you, when I turned 18 Tobias and myself kept having strange dreams that felt more like memories of people I didn't recognise and they have been getting stronger and longer since I have been banished I really hope I work all this out and can come home to Jack.
I stopped for a short rest " I hope Jack got his present, I hope he liked it, I really want to see if wearing it" "Maybe one day" I said to Tobias sadly.

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