Chapter 2

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I watched as Caspin ran into the pack house, what has happened to my best friend, ever since he turned 18 and could find his mate he has been a completely different person. I was pulled out my thoughts by Danny "is he ok?" I shook my head "I don't think so but he won't talk to me" Danny's twin sister  Ella came up next "you are useless and blind so so blind" she looked at me then Danny "Men" then walked off. 
We walked into the pack house "So are you looking forward to your party?" "Yes I am, so looking forward to finding my mate" "Ummm don't you need to break up with your girlfriend first" "oh.....yeah" completely forgot about that, I scratched my head and Danny just laughed. I walked into my dads office, I can admit he isn't the most loving dad or Alpha for that matter but he is still my father and I love him and will do anything for him, he put the phone down as I sat in the chair "So I've just kicked out Kent he just found his mate,  another faggot what is going on, mates should be between a man and woman, don't you agree?" I looked at him
"Ummmm if the goddess chooses Kent's mate to be a guy then that's what should happen" apparently that was the wrong answer as I am now pinned to the wall by my throat he growled and came close to my face "you will mate with a she-wolf no questions, or you won't have this pack, understand" he was making it hard for me to breath "Understand!" I couldn't speak so I was nodding as tears were spilling out my eyes "pathetic, I raised a pathetic son, get out" I got off the floor were he dumped me and ran to my room. Ok so my father isn't a nice man, he is a horrible man, how does my mum stand him.
I was pacing up and down in my room, school had finished for the summer and it was my birthday tomorrow but at midnight tonight I would be able to find my mate, I was so excited and wanted to share it with Caspin but I couldn't find him when I asked dad where he was, he growled at me a told me I shouldn't hang around with that filth, what is wrong with everyone, he knows Caspin has been my best friend for over 10 years and he is going to be my second in command.
It was dark now, and the fairy lights that are hung in the trees look amazing, the smell of cooking meat on the BBQ smells really good, music is pumping and my friends are all here. As I was pushing through the crowd people were congratulating me on my birthday, I had been looking for Caspin all evening he was no where to be found, I'm worried, something is not right, this was meant to be a fun night and I'm so restless, I'm stressed, worried and I feel sad, why do I feel sad.
Your mate is sad my wolf Jax said
My mate is here?
Yes and no, Jax said
I wanted to ask why yes and no but my father called me to the stage "I want everyone to wish my son, the future Alpha a happy 18th birthday and hopes he finds his Luna quickly" everyone started to cheer as the clock turned to midnight and fireworks went off, I thought I saw movement in the trees but then it was gone, so I looked up into the sky and watched the fireworks.
I walked over to my group of friends I saw Danny, Ella, Matt and Grace but no Caspin. "Have any of you seen Caspin today?" They all shook there heads "I'm worried, like really really worried, I'm gonna have a look around" they nodded and I started to walk off when I caught a smell, vanilla and mint I followed it to the tree that I saw move earlier, so I didn't imagine it, why didn't they come forward, everyone wants to be mated with an Alpha don't they, I followed the scent but it disappeared in the forest, so now I'm looking for my mate and Caspin, I spent hours looking for them, I finally headed back inside and it was about 4am, I knocked on Caspins door no answer so I turned the nob, his room was completely empty and that smell was coming from his room, my mate was Caspin and he is missing or did he leave?
I'm mated to a guy! I'm mated to my best friend but I'm
"Don't even say the next words Jack" my wolf growled "you have been in love with Caspin for years and you know it, all the so called girlfriends never went anywhere, you liked the fact that Caspin was with you all the time, you hated it when anyone showed any interest in him"
"So where is he?" I said as I collapsed into my bed, making something hit the floor but I was to knackered to care.
I woke up the next morning hoping it was a bad dream and that Caspin was asleep in his room, I ran out my room and swung open his door Nope no Caspin, I ran into the lounge to find a load of sleepy teenagers, Grace looked at me "Are you ok Jack you don't look good" I ran my hands through my hair and paced back and forth in front of them "Caspins gone" "what do you mean gone" Danny shouted as he jumped out his chair "as in gone, room empty, stuff gone,poof gone" I said I was looking round the room "I need to talk to my dad" I said to no one in particular.
I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer
He was at his desk, sorting through paper work
"I found my mate last night" I said each word clearly, he put his pen down then looked at me
"No you didn't" that threw me and confused me "yes I did, I know I did" "No you didn't because your mate is a female not a male" what the hell "what did you do to Caspin" I shouted whilst pinning him to the wall, he just laughed at me "I gave him a choice, rogue or death" I growled which shook the house and caused everyone to come running
I felt my mother behind me "sweetie put your father down" she tried to touch me but I flinched and she jumped back, I knew Jaxs had now taken over I turned to everyone in the room "This monster banished my mate because he was a guy, the goddess gave me Caspin and He decided that I wasn't allowed him because He wanted me to have a she wolf"
My mother just shrugged her shoulders "and, you should be with a female" this made me growl at my mother causing her to back into Danny but Danny just stepped out the way of her making her fall on the floor.
"Do you want me to take them to the cells and call pack law to find out what to do?" Matt said who will be my Gamma, I nodded still holding my father by the throat. Grace and Ella had my mother and me and Matt had my father with Danny behind us, we walked through the pack house with everyone whispering, my father was shouting insults about me and Caspin, he was making me feel sick, I never knew this side of him until a few days ago but he must have been like this for years and my sweet mother. I shook my head and locked the cell door.

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