Chapter 5

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Chris from Packlaw finally turned up a week later and was able to pass the Alpha title over to me, I didn't have a ceremony, I let everyone know I was now Alpha but I didn't feel it was a time to celebrate given the reason I am now Alpha so I promised a massive party once Caspin is Luna and everyone agreed. Chris has agreed to help Jamie out once I go looking for Caspin, he was very helpful and explained what I needed to do and how to explain what is happening here to the other packs.
I slammed my bedroom door closed and threw my phone on the bed which bounced off and landed under the bed, Jaxs took control making my eyes change colour and growling "stupid fucking Alphas" apparently no one knows anything about Caspin no one has seen a rogue wolf or had any contact with David or Grant which I don't understand why, I would have thought David or Grant would have contacted someone asking for help.  I have contacted so many packs asking for help, they have all promised that if Caspin comes near them they will speak to him, I'm just hoping that they are truthful but I have a feeling that Caspin is hiding and if he is as good as I know he is, he isn't going to show up unless he decides to so that means I'm going to have to find him.
I get on my hands and knees to get my phone from under the bed when I notice a box, I pull it out, I haven't seen this before, I sit on the bed as I slowly open it. It's a necklace but a really big one and a letter

Happy 18th Birthday mate,
I'm sorry that I can't be here to see you celebrate but something has come up and I have been forced to leave the pack.
I'm guessing you have noticed I have gone and went to my room and found out I was your mate, I'm happy, I hope you are too.........
I really hope you like the necklace now we can match.
My phone has been taken and all I have is what I could fit in my back pack which isn't a lot, I am really hoping you get this letter and your father doesn't find it.
I have started to remember things from my past so I'm heading north.
I was so happy when I found out you were my mate but also so sad because I don't know if you will accept that I am a guy......... if you don't accept me please let me be, but if you do I really hope we find each other, I will try and come back to you but I know that someone is going to follow me when I leave so I don't know when.
All my love C.

I put the necklace over my head and hold it in my hand, I smile at it. "We head north now!" Jaxs demanded "Yes", I head towards my office when Danny and Matt find me "Alpha Felix has David and Grant in his cells" Matt said as he opened my office door for me, we all walk in "but no Caspin, they have refused to tell him anything" I sigh but I was expecting them not to talk. "Is that new?" Danny said pointing to the necklace "I found a box under my bed, it was a birthday present from Caspin, I gave him a similar necklace a few years ago now we are matching, the box also had a letter in it, it doesn't say a lot just that he is heading north, so I was just coming to the office to look at a map then plan a route, I'm leaving tomorrow, it's been nearly 2 weeks. I can't sit around any longer, I will stop at Alpha Felix's pack to see if I can get anything out of the 2 traitors and then carry on northwards" they both nod then look at each other "we are coming with you" Matt said in a tone that left no room to argue "you don't need to" "that's right we don't need to we want to, you are our friend, he is our friend and you are both in trouble and lastly you are our Alpha and he will be our Luna or Alpha", I nod my head at them "let's get packing" Danny said. I go and find Jamie and explain that I am leaving tomorrow.
As I was packing my bag, my phone went off, with an unknown number my heart started to race maybe it's Caspin, Jax started shouting "answer it, answer it"
"Hi Umm is this Jack?"
"Yes who is this?"
"Oh good, I got the right number, it's Jason, I'm friends with Caspin"
"Yes I know"
"Well me and Mark are worried we haven't heard from Caspin and we went to his house but it looks empty, he said some stuff to me just before we finished school and now he has disappeared, is he ok?"
Great just great what do I say to them, they are really close to Caspin, I feel like I can't lie, I sighed "I don't know..........he got kicked out and was made to leave the area, they took his phone, I have been trying to find him but haven't had much luck, what did he say to you"
"He said that some stuff was happening at home and he didn't feel safe there any more but it didn't matter because he was getting kicked out and wouldn't be at our graduation but promised to let me know if anything happened and he hasn't"
"Ok thank you, I will save your number and if I find out anything I will let you know"
"I know you don't like us but please don't lie to us or keep us out the loop Caspin is my friend too"
"Look I'm sorry for the way I acted but I can't go into details but I had to put up an act due to my father and what is going on with Caspin is due to my father, I don't hate you, I like you and Mark you were really good friends to Caspin when I couldn't be around him"
"Mmmmmm, just get Caspin back home, if you need anything let us know" we hung up the phones, I can't believe they thought I hated them, but then I guess the way I acted to them.
I'm laying on my bed when there's a knock at the door, I get up and find Stacey looking at me and wearing not a lot
"What do you want?" I said in a bored tone, she bit her lip and then touched my arm "well now your mate has left we can pick up where we left and I can be Luna now" I pushed her off me, Jaxs took over and growled out "there is no way in Hell that you will be Luna, and there is nothing to continue we hardly started anything" she moved off the wall "But your father promised I would be Luna" "WHAT THE HELL?" Jaxs grabs her by the arms and marchs her through the pack house and towards the cells when Matt came up to them, Stacey was crying and shouting
"Are you ok Alpha?" Still can't get use to that
"Yes, we just need to get her in the cells" I said looking around at everyone
Once Stacey was nicely in a cell, I turned to Matt, "my father promised her she could be our Luna, I don't know what else she knows"

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