Chapter 16 - The End

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So only Jamie knows we are coming home, the pack just thinks they are having a pack bonding night due to the tense atmosphere of missing the Alpha and Alpha Mate, god I hate that word....Luna.....
Before we left Alpha Felix, he drove us to a local mall, so we could buy a set of clothes each which are all in our bags. We have stopped just outside the border and are getting changed, Caspin has a very tight dark blue top on with a leather jacket and blue jeans that fit him just right, I'm wearing a light blue shirt with dark blue jeans, I didn't want a jacket but now....he looks so good in that jacket. He looks up at me and sees me staring and just smirks "I can smell you, you know" I just roll my eyes "I'm allowed to look...and touch" I said wiggling my eyebrows making him laugh and Matt, I forgot he was there. We started to walk towards the pack house. "Hey Jack, I'm gonna go to university" I turn to look at him "Here, I will go to the local college, I want a degree, I know you are done with education but I'm not, I had a look last night online and sent them an email, explaining well as much as I can why I am applying so late and what course I want to do" I nodded "what course do you want to do?" "Ummm criminal and forensic science" "wow, what would you do with that after?" "I want to go into the police force, I thought it would be good to have a supernatural in our local department maybe work my way up" our mate is so bright and clever, smart and so so so sexy Jax said in my head "that's a good idea, and you in a uniform" I just winked at him making him laugh "you know I can hear you still" Matt shouted from in front of us making Cas laugh even harder.
We could hear everyone in the back yard, Jamie came out to meet us and hugged Cas then me "it's so good to have you back, I felt the bonds strengthen as soon as you were on the territory, I don't think anyone else did, they can't smell your scent yet as the wind is doing us a favour so we need to be quick about this, I will turn up the music and get everyone dancing then you walk through and just stand there until they notice if they don't by the end of the song I will turn it off" we all agreed. After a couple of minutes we heard the music get louder, we slowly walked through the woods to the clearing, I grabbed hold of Caspin's hand , I was nervous and I don't know why. "It's ok baby" he whispered and kissed my forehead, Caspin pulled me in front of himself and wrapped his arms round me as he leaned against a tree, Matt was to our side, I was scanning the area and saw my brother with a big smile on his face, I turned to see my friends and saw Ella and Grace, who smiled then jumped up and screamed running towards us making everyone turn round to face us and scream and shout as the music was turned off.
Grace was first to get to us as she ran straight into our arms, Ella was clinging to our side crying, I got out of the puppy pile with Grace and then Ella moved to hug Caspin.
"Fuck Caspin your massive" Ella said into his chest making everyone laugh "no seriously, what the fuck has happened to you, your huge" I turned to look at him as he shrugged the whole place was silent waiting for someone to speak "ummm, I don't know what you guys know, but I was kidnapped as a pup and raised here but they have been drugging me to keep my strength hidden, I guess you could say, I'm very rare, my wolf is very rare I'm one of only 3 golden wolves and once the drugs were out my system, Tobias was able to grow to his full strength meaning I grew as well"

We danced and laughed all night with our friends, our family, our pack. That night after everyone had gone to bed, we finally mated after some reassurance from me to Jack that we don't have to but he wouldn't back down, however the next morning I had one grumpy mate........complaining about his back side......
I have to admit, I struggled for a few months after I returned not being able to trust people in the pack, I made sure that any food or drink given to me was made by myself or Jack, I knew it upset people but I just couldn't shake the feeling.
I absolutely love university, I'm half way through my first year, Mark and Jason stayed in town and went to university, I ended up telling them about werewolves, Jack wasn't pleased at first but he got over it, it was mainly how was I going to explain dating him to them with what he still isn't perfect....they don't trust him but as I said to them, please trust me.
Pack Law got in touch with us regarding our parents, I gave my statement and it was read in court as I refused to go,  they were found guilty of a number of things and will be in prison until they die most likely.
In the last 6 months I have spoken to my sisters over Skype, they are going to come down to visit in the summer, Alpha Stephen and I are getting on very well, we have a lot in common, maybe one day I could call him dad but at the moment it's Stephen, Luna Grace is a completely different matter....she is crazy....I have said to Stephen that I no longer want any contact with her until she respects my wishes of being called Caspin......have to see how that goes....
The pack asked who would be called Luna and Jack just glared and banned the word, I just started laughing I couldn't help yeah we are both called Alpha, which is fine...I really don't care, Tobias cares a lot.  Jack is a lot more fitted to being a Luna, he loves the pups, he is actually a really good cook but if he wasn't doing the Alpha role, I wouldn't be able to go to university so.....I can't complain to much about it.
Matt ended up being our second in command and we gave the title of Gamma to Danny as Grant asked if he could retire after everything that happened and I don't blame him, he now trains our teenagers, which he loves. Gabby fitted in so well and has taken over some of the jobs of Luna and when Matt finds his mate if they want to help out as well then they can.
It's my 19th birthday next week, let's hope it's better than last year!
The End.

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