Chapter 6

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And we are back, this is going to be a short story compared to my other around 15 chapters I think......
We got new kittens for Christmas Lexi and Logon.


It's been 2 weeks and I have been sending David and Grant round in circles, but that means I have been going round in circles to, I'm finding Tobias keeps taking over more and more, I keep having to remind him that we are not rogues, we have a family and a pack but it's getting harder and harder, I thought it took a long time to go feral but it seems Tobias wants to jump head first into it and I don't.
The main reason I have been going round in circles I need to lose David and Grant so I'm trying to get them caught by the pack that is on this territory, the pack here seems to be looking for someone they have a lot of patrols my guess is they have been advised of me I don't know if it's the good or bad so I'm keeping out the way but I need David and Grant gone.

The pack finally caught them, they nearly saw me but I'm good. I know where I need to head, I need to go through another 2 states, it's like I'm being called home maybe I really am, maybe this is were I belong. I have been hunting in the forests staying away from the towns Tobias has grown bigger and stronger, I don't understand it I can feel a power radiating off me like an Alpha aura.
I decide to bunker down for the night in a little cave I found, I fall into a restless nights sleep and have a dream but I'm not sure it felt so real.

Flash back/ Dream

"Angelo, come here" a man shouts as he walks out the house towards me, I stop running around and turn and look at him
"Why are you playing out here by yourself?" He said as he bent down to my level
"The other kids don't play with me, they said I could hurt them" I whispered as the man hugged me, whilst growling, suddenly a women appeared next to us
"Darling why are you getting angry?" "The parents have told there kids not to play with Angelo because he could hurt them" "oh for the love of Goddess, he won't hurt them"
Next thing I know we are standing in front of at least 200 people
"We want to know why, all of you have been telling your children not to play with our son, he is not going to harm anyone, he is just a child, let him be a child, he is going to be the next Alpha of this pack, you will submit to him when he comes of age" the man all but shouted.
"How do we know our children are safe?" Someone in the field asked
"He is still a child, his wolf is still a pup, just because he can shift at such a young age doesn't mean he is going to"
All of a sudden I am walking next to the man "you all seem to be afraid of me" everyone gasped "you shouldn't be, I am here to protect you, but especially Angelo, my name is Tobias"
End of Flash back/ dream

I woke up and it was still raining, i know I was adopted but could I be remembering my past, am I Angelo, if the wolf is Tobias?
"Hey Tobias, do you remember anything from before this pack?" He was silent for a long time
"......Yes I am remembering"
"Please tell me what you have remembered, I need to know?"
I sat in the cave as the rain poured down whilst Tobias retold what he remembered.
My name is Angelo but people called me Angel, we shifted at 3 years old due to an attack on the pack, I basically had a forced shift.
The man and women in your dreams are your parents and the Alpha and Luna of the pack.
"Do you know where our pack is?" Tobias shook his head No.
"I guess we keep looking and heading north, we aren't far from the Canadian border"
I hate the rain, it gets in your face, it makes my fur wet and damp and it's just depressing to run through and everything turns to mud, it's horrible all of a sudden my front paws slip and I being sent rolling down a hill, the bag in my mouth lost along the way, I finally stop rolling when I hit a tree "ahhhh, that hurt" I stand up slowly, I can't put any weight on my front paw.
"Looks like we are taking a break until my paw heals, Tobias, I will get our bag later" I curl up under the tree, it was dusk now so i should stop soon anyways, I would have preferred to find somewhere with better shelter but oh well.

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