Chapter 3

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My brain is going 100 miles an hour, what the hell just happened. Danny and Matt walked in and closed the door, Danny shouldn't really be here but I don't have Caspin and I need another brain and set of eyes. I looked up at them from my fathers desk "Shit" is all I could say. "I don't know where to start, Caspin would know?" They both sat down in front of me
"Right so, Caspin is your mate" I nodded "so he has known since his birthday why didn't he tell you?" I shrugged my shoulders at Matt
"You father" Danny stated "I bet your father worked it out and threatened Caspin or you"
"Why didn't he come to me or someone" Danny shifted in his seat "ummm I think he did try but ummm well ummm" "what Danny is trying to say is you are a bit of a homophobe, you were always insulting those 2 guys he hung out with" "Shit, that was my dad rubbing off on me, shit, he told me that he has people watching me at all times" I hit my hands on the desk
"So I need to contact Packlaw and find out what I should do, I need to go through Caspins room to see if he left any clues, I should speak to his parents" they both nodded at me they got up and opened the door "let us know if you need us to do anything" "I will do we are getting Caspin back" I closed the door and leaned against it as someone knocked I opened it to find my brother who is 16 months younger than me, he didn't say anything just hugged me and closed the door and I started crying I haven't cried in years, Alphas don't cry.
I phoned Packlaw they are basically police for the Alphas. They told me to keep my parents in the cells and they would come and get them, it turns out my dad had been banishing anyone that had a same sex mate which isn't illegal to do but most Alphas don't, but he had never tried to separate mates and that was a crime especially when he was going to force me to mate with someone else. I just couldn't work out my mothers angle in all of this.
I can't sleep, every time I close my eyes I see Caspin's sad face his beautiful blue eyes with tears in them and my father caused this, oh the pain he must be going through thinking I wouldn't want him. I got out my bed and walked across the hall to his room and crawled into his bed his scent all around me calmed my wolf and myself enough to fall into a dreamless sleep. I woke up the next morning and walked back to my room, done my usually morning routine then went to my closet to get dressed when I noticed my favourite hoodie was missing, that cheeky wolf stole my favourite hoodie, this made me smile but then it turned into a frown, I wonder how long the scent will stay on each other's clothes, I then decided to wear one of Caspin's hoodies.
I walked into my fathers office well I guess it's mine now, so I took down all the photos of my parents and threw them in a draw. I leaned back in the chair and took a couple of deep breaths. My brother walked in " Don't you ever knock?" He shrugged his shoulders "I had a thought last night, so you and Caspin didn't reject each other, father turned him rogue but that doesn't break the bond, the only way is to reject or" we both looked at each other wide eyed "one of us dies" I shouted "but I haven't felt anything break so,so that means he is alive" I'm not sure what to do with myself I stand up then sit down "ahhhhhhh" I slam my fist into the desk "calm down, this also brings us to my second thought, have you seen David or Grant since your party it's been nearly 2 days" I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out "Why would they do this, why would they kill Caspin? I can't, I just can't Ahhhhhhhh" my eyes start to shift into Jax. My brother stands up out the way "Go for a run, let it all out" and that's what I do, I run out the pack house, strip and let out the biggest howl I have ever done making the ground shake letting Jaxs take over completely.
"I can't believe what the Alpha did to our mate Jack, I'm so angry, I want to rip him apart but at the same time I want to give him a slow and painful death" I agreed with Jaxs
"I can feel the bond with Tobias he is in a lot of pain" "can you not do anything, can we tell them we haven't rejected them" "I've been trying but nothing is working, I think they are to far or something happened when he turned rogue"

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