Chapter 13

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My cat keeps trying to head butt my phone, anyways.....
Caspin's POV

I couldn't feel Jack lying to me about anything but why is he so nervous. We walked into a small town, it looked a bit run down, sad even. Tobias had been purring like mad the whole walk over, might have something to do with the fact that we are holding hands with Jack, when I tried to let go earlier he told me, he was never letting me go again. It made me/us very happy. We got closer to this one house and the nervousness was pouring out of Jack like crazy, I turned him to face me and that's when I finally noticed I was a lot taller than him "wow, what happened I was always the same height as you, anyways, why are you so nervous" "It's will find out come on".

Inside the house

Jack opened the front door and pushed me into the hallway and closed the door behind us, we then heard a scream making both of us turn to see a women running straight for me, Tobias took over and growled out making her fall to the floor and whimper. Jack had his hand on my shoulder "it's ok, she isn't going to hurt you, this is Luna Grace your mother" I looked between the lady on the floor crying and Jack, slowly another man walked towards Luna Grace and picked her up.
"I'm sorry about this please follow me into the lounge and we can introduce ourselves" Luna Grace said whimpering "I just wanted to hold my son".
Jack pulled me onto a sofa and sat next to me holding my hand drawing circles on my hand with his thumb our legs were also touching, he was trying to ground me.
On the other sofa was Luna Grace and a man, I'm guessing her mate the Alpha and then there was a guy standing in the background probably the Beta.
"My name is Alpha Stephen this is my mate Luna Grace, we are your parents, behind me is her brother, your uncle and my Beta Jonny" I looked at each of them and nodded, I had faint memories of the names
"I'm sorry but I don't really remember you, I have had random flashes of me as a child but not much" Luna Grace was all out crying.
I turned to look at Jack who smiled at me, "do you want to explain who he is Alpha Stephen or should I ?" I looked between the two, who I am? What?
Alpha Stephen started talking whilst holding his mates hand "you were 5 when you were taken from us, I don't know if you noticed but your wolves coat is gold, it's very very rare, our blood line is pure, it's never had anything other than werewolf mates, you and Jonny's son are the last 2 gold wolves left. Alpha Jacks dad, was after me but spotted you because you shifted when the attack started and because you were only surrounded by Omegas, they easily took you from us. You will be Alpha of this pack of my pack." I turned to look at Jack who was looking at the floor so this is why he is nervous. I looked back at Alpha Stephen "you want me to stay here?" "Yes" we all turned to Luna Grace "you belong here, you are our son"
"Did you have other children after me?" They looked at each other "Yes your sister Rory was 3 when you were taken, Grace was pregnant at the time and had Sophie 3 months after you were taken, we waited to see if you could be found but eventually we tried for a boy again, but we had another girl Hope, so you see you need to take over the title" I was confused, I looked at Jack then back at my parents "why you have 3 girls, they will probably be mated to Alphas some may be second sons so will be able to take over the title or you can give it to Jonnys son, what were you going to do, if I hadn't returned?"
Alpha Stephen looked over at his Beta "you are bright Angelo" I flinched at the name "we would have given the title to my son"
I stood up making everyone stand "right so let me get this straight, I have pure alpha blood running through my veins" everyone nodded "from what Jack told me earlier, I was being pumped with drugs to keep it hidden" again everyone nodded "I am mated or will be mated to Jack who is already an Alpha of his pack, you have 3 daughters to choose from and my cousin who could run this pack, I don't understand, I'm not part of your family, I grew up part of jacks family for better or worse, he is my home, if I take over the Alpha title here we will both have to leave our homes to come here which is not our home, the pack won't trust us, we haven't grown up with them. I'm sorry this place is not home"
"We are your family!!!" Screamed Luna Grace "maybe one day but not today Luna Grace" I said "You will call me Mum Angel" I flinched again "I'm sorry but please don't call me that my name is Caspin, I can't be Angelo or Angel, if you want a relationship with me please respect my wishes" I turned to Jack, "I think we should go" he just nodded and we walked to the front door the hear Luna Grace screaming, Jonny came up behind us "I think you did the right thing, you are putting yourself first, it may take awhile but they will come around" I just shrugged my shoulders "this maybe mean but at this point in time, I don't feel a thing for them, I feel no connection what so ever to them, maybe I could have a relationship with my sisters but we will have to wait and see"
We walked back in silence to the hotel, both lost in thought

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