Chapter 15

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Danny was currently having dinner with Gabby's family, she had already packed all her stuff up and was waiting for Danny to return to the pack, she had told her parents whilst he was away, they were upset but understood, they had decided to stay in Alpha Felix's pack until her younger sister found her mate and then would decide where they would settle down. It had been decided that Danny would stay with Gabby here for another day and drive back to the pack in her car so they should be at the pack house by the weekend.
I was sitting on the bed, Jack was in the bathroom, there was a tension between us and I know I'm the one who is going to have to bring it up, for an Alpha Jack didn't do well with confrontation, which I never understood. He came out bathroom and just stood in front of the bed, I rolled my eyes "sit down Jack" he did as I said whilst looking at his hands, he sighed "come on, we have to talk about it, Tobias is going crazy in my head, I'm guessing your freaking out about you being mated to a guy, I'm gay so I don't have a problem with it"
I've never seen Jacks head move so quickly to stare at me "why didn't you tell me?" I snorted "your father, you were your father" making him grimace "sorry" he whispered, he went back to looking at his hands, I wanted him to talk to me, after a couple of minutes "it's......ummm.....I just.... I never slept with any of my girlfriends" he slowly looked up at me, I was surprised "I know we never talked about my relationships well any relationships I always thought it was strange everyone else seemed to talk about it with their friends but we never did, now I know why you didn't but I think I didn't talk about it with you because I felt I shouldn't be in them and when I was in a relationship I felt like I couldn't breath, I felt like I had a tight chest all the time, I think now it was because Jax's knew our mate was close by, he said that he didn't know it was you until I turned 18, but again why didn't the mate bond register with us when you turned 18?" He was looking up at me

"I have no idea why you and Jax's couldn't feel it, do you think your father could have drugged you? It doesn't really matter any more, Jack you need to get comfortable with this, with us ok, we can go as slow as you like but you need to get your head sorted first" we sat in silence for a couple of minutes, I was sitting up against the headboard and he was still sitting at the bottom of the bed, he got up and walked round to his side of the bed and sat facing me, I was playing on my phone when I felt his gaze on me I looked up as he kissed me on the lips, I was not expecting this, I hadn't moved, he went to move back as I grabbed his head in my hands and kissed him back, making him groan and open his lips, I slipped my tongue in his mouth, Tobias was howling in my head. It felt like heaven, no other kiss has ever felt this good, he never fought for dominance, which made Tobias howl again, I'm starting to wonder if Jack is really a cat rather than a wolf. I broke the kiss to get my breath back and rested his head on my forehead my hand still in his hair "thank you for being patient with me, it's not that my mate is a guy, it's the fact you are my best friend, my mind keeps telling me that I should have known, I know that we don't know until we are 18 but still it's still there telling me I should have known and maybe this would have been completely different, I'm scared I'm gonna mess it up" he whispered,
I pulled his head off me so I was looking in his eyes "we are both going to make mistakes, that's life, we just have to be truthful and trust each other and have each other backs" he nodded "I agree" he then got off me and pulled me further down the bed, I tilted my head in confusion, he then straddled me on the bed making me groan and close my eyes, as he kissed my jaw and down the side of my neck.
"Is this ok?" He whispers into his kisses "mmmmm yeah" I say back with my eyes closed lost in the feeling of his kisses down my neck Tobias is howling with happiness in my head. His fingers make there way down my chest to my shirt and slowly start pulling it up, I break the kiss to throw my top off and take his off, I can see he is nervous, so I push him on the bed and straddle him, I kiss the corner of his mouth on both sides then down his neck, leaving hickeys as I go further, I put a nipple in between my teeth and suck making him arch his back as my fingers play with the other one "Oh fuck, Cas, cas oh" I smirk, I swap over nipples and suck on the other one, after they have had a good amount of attention I kiss down his happy tail as I undo his Jean buttons, I feel him tense up "it's ok, baby boy, we ain't going all the way" I feel him relax back into the bed.
My jeans are so tight I undo my buttons on my jeans as I feel a heated stare from my mate, I look up and smile at him, I push my jeans and boxers down my thighs as he gasps and I hear him whisper "I'm fucked" I laugh as I push his jeans and boxers down to this thighs, his dick springs to attention against his stomach, I slide up his body and start kissing his lips, my tongue parting his lips as he moans whilst I grab both our dicks in my hand using my fingers to use the precum as lube, I slowly move my hand up and down our shafts, I love hearing Jack moan in my ear "Fuck Cas" he whimpers.
"I'm not gonna mark you baby, I want to do that in our own bed not the guest room of another pack, ok, baby?" "Mmmmm" he nods too lost in the moment, I pick up the pace, I then felt another hand round mine, I look at Jack but he still has his eyes closed and mouth open whispering "oh goddess" I go back to kissing his neck making him hiss, I can feel him getting close so I swipe my finger over the top of our dicks once, twice and then he comes biting his lip trying to hold his scream in, I follow quickly after with a growl.
I lay next to Jack, as we come down from our high "I'm so screwed" Jack whispers I turn to face him "Huh?" He rolls his eyes then looks at me "Your dick, I have always known I wasn' as an Alpha should I know you will take charge if you know what I mean" he looks away from me as he finishes talking "I grab his face so he is looking at me "hey, I can agree with you that you ain't as dominant but that doesn't mean anything, we can switch, I really don't care" I said shrugging my shoulders. "You mean it?" "Well yeah, tho, I think the first time, I will have to top, Tobias is already going crazy in my head about it" I see him nodding "hmmmm, Jax's is ok with that..... I don't want to be called Luna.....I mean I really really don't want that title, can we both be called Alpha?" He looks at me so hopeful. I quickly speak to Tobias. "I'm ok with this but Tobias isn't so happy, but I will work on him ok?".
I quickly get up and grab a cloth and clean us up and then get into bed. I could see the wheels turning in Jacks head, I didn't realise how easy it was to read him, "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He rolls his eyes at me "You read me so easily, it's annoying" he sighs "You know I never slept with anyone.....have you, you always got annoyed when we met up with the other Alpha and Beta's to be when they would brag about who they slept with" "I haven't slept with anyone" I heard him release a breath "but like you I have done stuff" he turned to look at me confused "I had a friend let's say, we were both confused and wanted to experiment so we did together" "oh" he looked at his fingers "hey, hey don't get jealous, I was the one that had to deal with your girlfriends being pushed in my face all the time" "sorry" he whispered "was it Mark or what's his boyfriend's name Jason?" I laughed "god no, that's like kissing my best friend....oh wait I am" then kissed him on the nose making him smile "No it was a guy called Sam, he was human, I never went near a wolf, I didn't think it was fair to their future mate" "sorry" "stop saying sorry" "sorry.....sorry....ok I'm stopping". I pull him down so his head is on my chest. "I can't believe how big you have got, this disappearing accident has actually been a good thing for you" I hum "yeah and also not having all the drugs in my system anymore, I wonder what people are gonna say?" I mumbled "it's all gonna be ok Cas, our friends wanted to come with me to find you, they are gonna love the new you" "I'm not interested in what they think of my body?" "It's all gonna be ok, thou only Jamie knows we are heading back, I wanted it to be a surprise, is that ok?" "Yeah, I guess"

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