Chapter 14

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We walked silently back to the hotel room, I opened the door and we walked in. Caspin was rugby tackled to the ground by Danny and Matt.
"We are so glad your ok?" Danny shouted out as he climbed off Caspin "yeah glad your back, so can you tell us what happened?" Matt said sitting up then pulling Caspin up "goddess you have grown" he said looking up at Caspin who was smiling "just a little bit, ok so you want a story, can we order food first I'm hungry, we have had to live off bunnies for weeks" he said sitting on the bed, Danny groaned "I hate fucking bunnies" everyone laughed as I pulled out the room service menu. Once we had ordered our meals, the guys got comfortable, I stood up "whilst your telling the guys the story I'm gonna phone Jamie" I walked out into the hallway.
"Hi Jamie"
"Hi Jack, any news?"
"Yeah, yeah good news, I have him, he is currently sitting in the hotel room talking to Danny and Matt"
"Oh my god, that's great news, can't wait to tell everyone"
"Can you keep it a surprise, we are gonna head back tomorrow, we need to stop by Alpha Felix on the way back but I'm hoping to be back in a week"
"So what do you want me to tell everyone?"
"Ummm can you say we have spotted Tobias but he isn't letting us close to him at the moment"
"Ok, I'm so glad he is ok, I'm glad your coming back school starts in 2 weeks, speak to you soon"

I walked back just as the food was delivered. We sat eating whilst Caspin carried on talking about what's happened the last 6 months.
The only thought in my head now was, where do we go from here? It never crossed my mind I was gay, so I have no idea what to do.
Caspin was leaning against the headboard of the bed I was curled into his side, I hadn't even realised I had done this but he hadn't said anything so I'm staying put. Danny picked up his phone smiling, then looked at me "so ummmm are we stopping back at Alpha Felix?" I raised my eyebrows at him "yes we are he wanted to meet Caspin" I said patting Caspins leg "why?" "Well I kinda met my mate" "WHAT" Matt screamed "why didn't you tell us?" I said as I threw a pillow at him "well Umm Caspin was missing, I knew we would get him back and then I could come back and pick up Gabby" he said smiling "So she is coming to our pack your not staying at hers" "she wants to come to ours, she was going to look at the local university and see if they do the course or something similar to the one she was meant to do at her local university" just then Caspin froze, I turned to look at him "you ok?" He climbed off the bed and grabbed his bag then threw it on the floor, looking around the room, noticing his phone was charging, picked it up and then started scrolling through something "Caspin, Caspin, come back to earth" I said to him grabbing his shoulder, he looked up from his phone into my eyes "what's the matter?" "Ummm so I applied for university........out of state and because I went all wolf I missed the deadline to accept" he said sadly and sitting back onto the bed. It took me a couple of seconds to register what he said "when were you going to tell me, you were leaving, you were my Beta my second in command, Jesus Caspin!"
"Well it doesn't matter anymore does it" he said putting his phone in his pocket. "Yes it does, you want to go to university, ok,  you really can't go out of state but like Gabby was going to look into, you could try the local colleges or university, I knew I was done with education but if you want to continue I don't have a problem with that" I hadn't noticed when Matt and Danny had left, we were both now sitting on the bed facing each other.
He sighed and ran his hand over his face, then nodded "ok, I'm going for a shower" he didn't give me time to reply before he closed the door to the bathroom and the shower turned on. Great I think I've upset him. I think I sat staring into space.
"I'm sorry Jack, I'm just tired so tired, I just want to be happy and you know, nothing is ever simple" he crawled onto the bed and under the covers "it's ok, we need to start heading home tomorrow".
I don't know how long I was staring into space but Matt and Danny were back in the room, "is he ok?" Danny whispered, I shrugged my shoulders "not really, but he will be, we have an early start tomorrow, grab a shower now then head to bed, night" I walked over to Caspin, who was passed out asleep and crawled in next to him, he looked so peaceful, I never noticed how beautiful he actually was "I'm glad I got you back, I'm never letting you go" I whispered into his hair and kissed his forehead snuggling into his back and throwing my arm over his waist.
I was woken up to giggling, I lifted my head up to find I was on top of Caspin, who was still asleep, I turned my head to see Danny taking pictures on his phone of us, I just rolled my eyes, I will get him back later, I turned back to Caspin, who had his eyes open looking at me as my face flushed bright red, I jumped off him and ran to the bathroom as all 3 of them started laughing.

We made it to Alpha Felix's in good time, might have something to do with the pace Tobias set, man that was tough! And I'm an Alpha....or am I the Luna.....Fuck.....yeah not thinking about that.......
We crashed through the forest into the packhouse back garden making a lot of people jump, Alpha Felix just laughed from his balcony and shouted "welcome Alpha Jack and Alpha Caspin, you are absolutely stunning, spare clothes are by the back door, I will meet you downstairs".
We quickly shifted and grabbed clothes, I was growling as people were staring at Caspin, making him laugh "calm down darling" he whispered in my ear, making me blush at the shivers going through my body as he called me darling. The door opened "nice to finally meet you Alpha Caspin, I'm Alpha Felix please come in" we followed him in the house and into his office.  Myself and Caspin sat down in the seats in front of the desk and Danny and Matt stood behind us.
"You really are a stunning gold wolf Alpha Caspin, it's an honour to meet you" Felix sat as he sat down.
"It's nice to met you Alpha Felix but please call me Caspin, titles don't need to be needed around friends, the guys have told me a lot about you and how you helped them find me so I am great full" "ok then Just call me Felix and we can get an alliance between our two packs, I just can't believe that you really are a gold wolf are you the last one?" I looked at Caspin "No I'm not" and left it at that, I think Felix wanted more information but dropped the topic, we sorted out the alliance paperwork "right if there is nothing else, shall we get some dinner" he said and went to stand up "Actually, Danny has found his mate in your pack and she would like and we would like permission for her to transfer to our pack, her name is Gabby" Caspin turned to Danny "what's her last name?" "Oh Gabby St Jones" "Little Gabby, well I guess not so little, her parents are going to be so upset but yes she has permission to leave with you guys" I could feel the tension leave Danny's shoulders.  "Go and find her and get her to pack her things" Felix said to Danny "how long you staying for?" "Umm well myself and Caspin need to get back ASAP, so tomorrow but Danny can stay if Gabby needs time to get things in order" "I will check with her now, thank you Alpha Felix" Danny said grinning and basically running out the room.

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