Chapter 8

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Everyone around me was talking and having conversations, I was just trying to keep my breakfast in me, I could see some of the she wolves eyeing me, and smiling at me, it made me feel sick, I can't believe how many girlfriends I had, it makes me angry and guilty, Caspin would always tell me, that I should wait for my mate but I would just roll my eyes at him, though I have to say I never slept with any of them, we obviously did some sexual things but I always stopped maybe I was waiting for my mate. I wonder if Caspin knew I never slept with anyone, it's one subject that was never brought up, he hated that I always had a different girl on my arm, did he like me this whole time? Fuck! So many thoughts in my head, I should have listened to him and just waited. Other packs always found it strange that Caspin wasn't interested in flirting or dating anyone, apparently if your high ranked it's fine to sleep around, I can't believe how ignorant I have been.

I'm slapped on my back "you ok Jack, you seem lost?" Matt said sitting next to me "yeah just thinking how stupid I have been" I sighed "I've acted like a spoilt kid and I've just realised it" "least you noticed and can change your behaviour" Matt said "hey, your not meant to agree" I said whining, making Matt laugh. "Hey, we haven't seen you guys before, what brings you to our pack?" I looked up to see the 2 girls that were looking at me earlier, myself and Matt stood up making the girls take a step back, Jax's pulled through "why we are here is none of your business, now get lost!" I said dripping in my Alpha tone. "Jess, Tess leave them alone, get out of here now!" Bellowed Alpha Felix "sorry uncle" they both whispered before running out the now silent room " I apologise Alpha Jack, they will be punished, now would you like to follow me?" Danny then appeared out of no where and stood next to me smiling, strange.

Felix walked us out the pack house and down the road and into a small bungalow, I was confused he pulled back a rug in the middle of the lounge "cool hidden bunker" Matt said making Felix laugh, "it's hidden in plain sight so the young pups don't try to do anything stupid, people are always trying to work out where the cells are, they think this bungalow is where the warriors go for there breaks, which is true also" we walked down the metal stairs as Felix flicked a light switch illuminating the corridor, we walked past a few empty cells until we came to David and Grant in opposite cells, both of them had silver hand cuffs on. "Well hello boys" Felix said making them both look up "I have someone here to see you, who do you want first?" I was still out of sight "actually can we have them both at the same time" they looked across the cells at each other confused. Felix opened up both doors and dragged Grant into David's cell as I followed behind, Matt and Danny stood in the entrance of the door "good morning ex beta and Ex gamma" they both looked at me and then at the floor "Not going to say good morning to your Alpha" Jax's growled out "ggggood morning", David muttered "tsk".

"You are going to answer my questions otherwise myself or Alpha Felix are going to have some fun" this made Felix smile, I was walking back and forth infront of them whilst Felix was leaning against the wall behind them
"Your not going anywhere, so let's begin, did you know Caspin was my mate?"
David growled "fag" at the same time Grant gasped "you told me that he stole money" he said turning to look at David "shut the fuck up" David spat, Felix then punched him in the chest ( sorry forgot to say they are sitting on chairs) making him tip sidewards but I pushed him back up
"Next question, why are you trying to kill him?" "Don't say anything Grant!" "Fuck you David, you have been lying to me" he then looked at me "I will tell you what I know but I'm guessing it's not correct" I nodded crossing my arms over my chest
"I was told that someone had been stealing money from the pack and that your father found out it was Caspin, he went to talk to him but Caspin went for him and attacked him and then ran from the pack, I was advised by our Alpha your father that myself and David would go and get him back dead or alive" Jax was mad but not at Grant.
"I'm sorry Jack, I mean Alpha Jack I was just following orders, if I knew it was fake I would have never gone"
"Traitor" David shouted, I punched him in the face with such force that his head snapped back and the chair went back wards hitting the floor snapping his waists that were chained behind him. I untied Grants chains and helped him up from the chair "Danny can you take Grant to get some food and let him use my room for a shower" they walked out, I turned back to David "Now, let's get down to business, I pulled up his chair and sat it back down "so you don't like that Caspin is gay" "I didn't want a child let alone a gay one" he gritted out spitting blood, oh dear I think I broke his nose with the punch.
"Where is your father?" "Why do you think I will answer your questions when you won't answer mine" "Fine" "it started about around 15/16 years ago, apparently someone knew of a gold wolf, your father was always power hungry, wanted the wolf, so we went searching with a few men saying we were going looking for there mates" "Anyways we found the wolf but what was better he had a child" I went back to your father and told him, he was so happy saying how he could brainwash the child, I really didn't care as long as it didn't involve me anymore but your father had other ideas, he told me that I had to take the child to cut a long story short a few of us attacked the small pack and took the child and low and behold he shifted right in front of me a gold pup, we drugged him and shipped him back to your father" "why, why why" is all Jax's could say David smirked "as I said I don't like children, I couldn't care less" Felix grabbed David by the throat and started to squeeze until his eyes started to bulge and then let go making him gasp in air,
"What happened next?" All David could do was gasp in air "I want an answer!" I shouted putting pressure on his leg, snapping it making him howl out in pain.
"Please stop, please" David Whimpered "continue the story" I growled out
"Ummmm, so the pup was now at our pack when Alpha Louis said that I needed to look after him until the time comes for him to be used, Beth wasn't happy either, we just didn't want kids but we took him in, he was alright I guess never really misbehaved" he said shrugging his shoulders
"Did he brain wash him?" Felix asked, David tried to turn his head to look at Felix who was behind him but couldn't so turned back to face me "Tried, but it didn't work but what did was an Alpha command saying he couldn't use his full strength and we also....ummmm.we also" he stopped talking and looked at the floor, I bent down so I was level with him and in Jax's alpha voice asked "what did you also do David?" He looked up at me I could see fear in his eyes. "We have been drugging him since he got to the pack, makes him weak, also made him forget his past" next thing I know I have punched so hard the chair moved back and slammed into the wall Felix jumped out the way just in time "I am ashamed that you are part of my pack, I will make sure you die....slowly" David was groaning and coughing up blood. I stormed out the cells and up the stairs followed by Matt "Fuck" I shouted I then turned back around and walked back to the cell to see Felix moving in front of David "what pack was he from?" He tried to laugh but it came out as a cough "why would I tell you that, I know that's where he is heading?" I went to run at him but I was held back by Felix "go calm down, I will get the answer" he said pushing me out the cell door.

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