Chapter 10

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This place feels familiar, the smells seems familiar, like a belong here or did belong here. I think we are from around here I'm not sure but I'm staying here, I've found a cave that is safe for sleeping in, it's not to far from fresh drinking water and hunting is tough but we are getting food every other day so I can't complain to much.

It's been 7 weeks, I'm going to have to head back home soon as Jamie needs to go back to school, the town Felix gave us came up empty so we have been working our way further into Canada, this town we are coming up going to have to be our last before we turn round, I can't believe I haven't found Caspin.....we are horrible mates Jax's whined in my head.
No we aren't, Caspin is just amazing at what he does. I was broken out our conversation by Danny opening the hotel door followed by Matt, they had smiles on their faces.
"Never guess what?" Matt said, I just rolled my eyes "what?"
Danny gave me my burger as Matt sat next to me opening his food "a yellow or gold wolf has been spotted hunting the last 2 weeks around this town" I put my burger down and ran over to our map.
"Ok so this town is basically in the middle of no where, it would make perfect hunting grounds for a wolf or wolf pack to live pretty much away from human eyes" i said not taking my eyes off the map
"Also I smelt werewolves in the diner" Danny said making me looking up, I nodded "ok ok so we should try and make contact with someone tomorrow" I had the biggest smile on my face as I called my brother

"Jamie, Hi, guess what?" I said before he could say hi back "what Jack?" "There has been sightings of a yellow or gold wolf in this town and Matt and Danny smelt Wolf when they went to the diner tonight, I'm gonna make contact with them tomorrow hopefully" "that's brilliant news, can I tell everyone here, they have been asking for updates, but I've had nothing to give them" "yeah it's fine, how is everything back home?" "Everything is good, we'll as good as could be, I can't explain it but it's like the whole pack is sad, I was talking to some of the guys from Packlaw and they said it can happen when the Alpha and Luna are away to long, so please get Caspin home soon" my smile dropped I really didn't think the disappearance of Caspin and me would effect the pack, "I promise I will"

Next day

We headed out into town, it really was a small town, you could see who were the tourists and who lived here, by the clothing. Matt and Danny were correct you can definitely smell wolf, we headed to the diner they went to last night, it was worn and old looking from the out side, we opened the door and everyone looked up, I heard a growl from the side, I walked to an empty table with Matt and Danny sitting opposite me, the waitress walked over and handed the menu's, some of the tables were human so I needed to be quiet.
"My name is Ruby and I will be your server today, what drinks can I get you to start?"
"Can I have a coke please" Danny said
"Can I have a coffee and a glass of water" Matt said
"Hi, can I have a coke please"
"Ok no problem I will get them for you and be right back to take your food order"
As everyone was watching us we had to talk through mind link, Ruby came back and took our food order,
Matt broke the silence "so have you worked out what you are going to say to Caspin, you know once .....?"
I shook my head No "no, yes, I really don't know, like where the hell do I start the conversation, I'm really sorry I was an ass or I'm sorry my father tried to kill you or how about I'm sorry my father and your father tried to kill or how about I'm sorry you have been living a lie and my father caused it" I realised as I looked up from my hands that I said that all out loud and the other wolves had been listening. I sighed and silence over took us once again Ruby set our food down and as she went to step away
"One quick question, Umm I need to speak to your Alpha regarding" I stopped and looked around at everyone then at Matt and Danny "regarding a personal matter that may have involved a child from a pack round here that went missing 10 or so years ago"

I heard a low growl again I looked at the person it came from and he stood up and walked over to us, very angry "why can't you leave us alone, all people every want is a story" he growled again "it's not like that" I looked at Matt and Danny again "look I can't say too much as I could have this wrong but I think the little boy that went missing from this pack ended up in ours and something has happened to him and I really need your help" I said gritting my teeth together by the end of the sentence, the guy backed down "the kid is your mate" it wasn't a question, I just nodded "finish your food and meet me at the hardware store about 8 stores down" with that he left out the door, I turned back to the guys "that went better than expected" Danny mumbled.

The hardware store was 8 stores down and looked as run down as the rest of the town, we walked in setting off a bell. "Flip the closed sign over" the guy said not looking up from what he was doing, I walked over to him followed by Danny and Matt who flipped the sign. The guy threw his pen down and looked up at us "follow me" I turned to looked at the guys and shrugged my shoulders, we went up stairs into a small lounge to see a women and man standing by the window looking out, the guy we followed up walked over to the couple "these are the guys I was talking about" the guy looking out the window turned and looked at me, I gasped and stumbled back "Goddess you are the spitting image" at over 6 foot with  dark blue eyes, short blonde hair and probably dimples in both cheeks he was an older version of Caspin "sorry it's just you are an older version of my mate" the guy just nods, we stand in silence for a few minutes "sorry let's do introductions I'm Luna Grace and this is my husband Alpha Stephen and this is our Beta Jonny who is my brother"
"Nice to meet you I'm Alpha Jack, this is Matt who will be my Gamma and this is Danny"
"Please sit down, would you like a drink or something" we all shook our heads no and took a seat.
"So would you like me to start my story of why I'm here?"

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