Authors Note

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Hi, welcome to my new story, Definitely, Maybe, Sometimes!

This story is a romance set in England.
Autumn Summers takes a scholarship to Oxford University to please her mum, but what she really wants to do is go travelling with her best friend. However, she's not ready to meet Jordan Nickleson at said University. A funny, self-assured charmer, Jordan seems to smash Autumns world apart.



This will be part of NaNoWriMo.
NaNoWriMo is a organisation that challenges writers to complete a 50,000 word novel in the month of November.
Due to start on the 1st and finish by the 30th. That's just 30 days!
Because of this, this work will be a complete first draft (bound to have mistakes and be a mess!)

This story is exclusive to W A T T P A D and is copyrighted.

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