Chapter Nineteen

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"You learnt nothing." Jordan is saying. "Too busy ogling me."

"You've just made me eat pasta at nine in the morning. I'm allowed to ogle."

He bumps his shoulder with mine, "The nicest pasta you've ever eaten though, right?"

There's a boyish look of apprehension on his face, like he needs the praise.

"It was. It really was."

He grins at me, then swaggers forward with his usual self-assurance. It was even better being able to watch him work. He made some fancy lobster, chilli, and tomato sauce. It tasted like it had jumped right out a fine-dining restaurant.

There's nothing he can't do; write, play sports, cook. It's as if I've made him up. I'm starting to believe he's not even real, a complete figment of my imagination.

Eighteen year old boys are meant to be fuckwits obsessed with getting their dicks wet. That's what mum said. Not nice and polite with multiple talents - how am I to resist someone like that?

"But I'm now way too full this early in the morning."

He he smiles at me and puts an arm around my shoulder, kissing my temple. "Coffee?"

"Coffee." I concur. "And thank you, I don't think I've ever had a better start to my day."

"Ah, well ." He straightens. "That's my goal, to make every one of your days a good one. Now make a wish."


I don't know why I turn into a monosyllabic moron around him. I never know where he's going next. I feel like I'm permanently on the waltz, you know the fun fair ride that just spins and spins until you pass out or throw up, but you're happy about it after?

"Make a wish. Put your hand on this slab - this one right here. And make a wish."

I look at the rock he's got his hand on and then back to Jordan. He's finally lost his marbles. "Jordan, that's a rock. A plain, ordinary rock."

He looks at me like I'm insane. "Not it isn't. This rock is the very first brick laid in Oxford. It was the start of Oxford as we know it. Nothing can move it, nothing has worn it down. It's lasted through time and British weather. It's special."

"Firstly, who on Earth told you that? Secondly, why would that make it a wish granting rock?"

"Christ alive, Autumn. How do you ever get through a book without knowing all the answers? Just make a wish!"

"Fine." I grumble. "I wish-"

"Not aloud!" Jordan bellows. "Have you never made a wish before?"

I glare at him. "How is the rock supposed to know what I'm thinking?"

"It's a magical rock!"

"Alright." I say, giving him a despairing look. "Keep your knickers on."

"This was meant to be cute and you're ruining it."

My eyes narrow at him. "Are you going to make a wish?"

He puffs out his chest. "Yes, as soon as you shut up and let me."

The sight of this buff, tall man, closing his eyes to make a wish, makes me explode with laughter.

"What is wrong with you?" He asks.

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