Chapter Fifteen

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Jordan doesn't stick around after coffee and I don't hear from him for most of the day. I decide not to dwell on it. Maybe he's embarrassed, or maybe he's gone off me. Either way I'll find out soon enough.

Besides, I've got bigger things to worry about.

Reign has pulled me into Kerry's room. The place is strewn with fake blood and makeup. On the bed is four weird looking cheerleading outfits that smell kind of plasticky. Reign has spent the last hour smearing them with fake blood and bloody handprints.

"They smell like disinfectant." Lynn comments.

"I'll disinfect you." Reign says. "If one of you even dares complain about these outfits when none of you came to help choose or collect them, I'll murder you in your sleep."

I shrug, "That's already a fear of mine so it's not much of a threat."

"What is that?" Kerry asks, pointing at something else on the bed.

Reign stretches out white stockings which she's also covered in blood. I groan, Lynn sighs, and Kerry smiles.

"Look," Reign says, taking her clothes off and shoving the weird plastic zombie cheerleading outfit on. "Sexy, right?"

"You look great." Kerry mumbles, "Because you have the body to pull it off."

"Every body is a bikini body." Reign says. "You're all fit and you will never be able to tell me otherwise."

I eye Reign, "They're a lot skimpier then our proper cheerleading uniforms."

Reign gives me a long look. "Because this is halloween. We're slutty zombie cheerleaders."

Lynn fingers her costume, her nose wrinkling. "I think I preferred the Power Rangers idea."

Reign gives her a dead stare. "Yeah. So did I. But apparently it's not a thing."

Kerry says, "It is kind of sexualising a kids show."

"As opposed to sexualising actual teenagers?" Lynn says.

There's a silence before Reign demands, "Are you going to put your outfits on or what?"

Reign is a little bit scary sometimes which is why we all start taking our clothes off, and whipping our halloween outfits on. I wouldn't normally feel comfortable getting almost naked in a room full of people, but, well, these aren't normal people, are they?

Reign is so happy about her body that I kind of want to be like that too.

"God," Lynn moans, struggling to pull it on. "Is it made out of latex? What is that smell?"

"I will literally smack you into next week if you keep harping on." Reign glares at us.

I look at her. "Reign, will you chill out a bit?"

"No." She says, frowning at me. "I had to bare-knuckle fight for these. Some blonde girl was all 'they're mine!' and I was like POW! And snatched them from her. I literally went to hell to get them. Besides, we're all going to look insanely hot."

Once dressed the four of us gaze at each other. We look slutty. Which I guess is what the end goal was, but I feel over exposed and incredibly self-conscious. The good thing is, I can tell Kerry and Lynn feel the same way.

"These are way too small." Kerry says.

"Put this on." Reign instructs, handing us the white stockings covered in blood.

We do as we're told and straighten. "I hate it."

"Well," Reign says. "It's all we have and the party starts in an hour."

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