Chapter Twenty-Three

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I don't get to stick around after the match because I have work. I'm happily surprised when I finish to find Jordan leaning on the wall outside.

We reach for each other and kiss immediately.

"See you later." Nate grumbles, walking off.

"You okay?" Jordan asks, ignoring him.

The closer I get to Jordan and Nate, the more the animosity between them grows. I don't really get why. So what if Jordan was a mess after he lost family, he's not such a mess anymore.

"I'm starving." I say, as we walk back to halls together.

"There's pasta in the fridge." He says. "You can have that."

We don't talk for the rest of the walk and the kitchen is empty when we get back. I rummage through and take out the Tupperware filled with pasta, getting a fork and sitting at the table.

Jordan watches me the whole time, an odd expression on his face.

"I've not long finished at the gym," he says, his voice is a bit tight. "You okay if I go and shower?"

"No, go for it." I say, slurping up a bit of pasta. I point my fork at the box it's in. "I'll eat this."

He nods and leaves. I hear the water start and then the shower door open and close. It's very weird to know he's less than six feet away from me and naked.

I ignore it, pull out my book and eat my pasta. Then I make a cup of tea, root for biscuits and try very, very hard not to let my mind run rampant about Naked Jordan.

He's gone for ages.

Long enough that I keep imagining how he would react if I joined him in the shower. Would he welcome it?

I put the dirty dishes into the sink and start to wash them. All I can think about is kissing him. How soft his lips are. How nice it would be to do more.

I'm so sick of this weird, horrible limbo we're in. I hate all this uncertainty. I never seem to know where I stand, how to act; what we are. Surely it shouldn't be this hard?

A shiver runs through me as I hear him enter the kitchen, but I don't turn to face him. He walks up to me, and whilst I clean a fork he wraps his strong arms around my stomach, resting his chin on my shoulder. I can feel he's just in a towel. It would take very little movement to render him completely naked.

Stop it.

He's said nothing so far, just stood there holding me.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says, his voice is thick. Like he's nervous.

Then he kisses my neck. It's deep. It lingers. I half close my eyes and drop the tupperware into the sink.

"Jordan?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything, he keeps kissing my neck and I feel like a God. Holy, somehow.

Then he turns me and we look at each other, he's asking for permission but he doesn't really need to ask. He knows the answer. No words pass between us, no words need to.

He leans down and kisses me. I feel it filter down to my toes. I feel myself take in a breath. I can taste the mint on his tongue, feel the strength in his arms as he winds them around me.

His tongue runs along mine and it's like my body knows how to react to him without really thinking about it. I have never felt like this before, hot and cold at the same time.

"Come to bed," he says, pulling back and giving me a small kiss on my lips.

I nod and follow him out, he takes my hand and leads me to my room. I don't question what's going to happen. I'm a virgin and I know he's not. But I'm not scared to have sex with him. I know he's the right person. I know it was meant to be.

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