Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I expect Jordan to come to my room in the night to tell me he doesn't believe what his family said. That he still wants to be with me. Except we're not together, are we? It was never formalised. 

He has always told me he isn't the relationship type. A part of me doesn't believe him, has never believed him. Maybe I thought we had a strong enough connection, so strong I thought I could change him, make him a relationship man. 

I think I've been a bit of a naive idiot.

When I wake in the morning and there's no knock, no coffee - I do what any normal person would; I call my mum. 


"Hello. Have you got a sec?"

Immediately mum asks, "What's wrong?"

"I met Jordan's family yesterday. It was awful."

"Hang on." She says, there's some rustling. "I'm sat with a tea. What happened?"

"I'll try and spare you the horrible details. They hate me."

Mum is outraged. "They can't hate you. You look like a Disney princess, like birds get you dressed in the morning. No one hates Cinderella. Except Lunatics." 

"His Grandad literally called me a street urchin. They think I'm Oliver Twist and not good enough for their family. They said they know the royal family, that there are rules to follow."

"What are they talking about? I'm sorry, is this the eighteenth century? Harry married Meghan, for Pete's sake!"

"I thought that too. But they said that I wasn't good enough for their family and that Jordan needs to grow up."

"With you in the room?"

"Yes. Literally in the middle of the restaurant."

"Oh my God." Disgust rings through mums tone. "Who are these people? The local mafia?"

"Then they produced a list. An actual list of pre-approved girls he's allowed to date."


"Yeah, like women are something to be traded." 

"Did you say anything? Were you able to?"

"No. I literally just sat there whilst they said all these vile things about me. Then Jordan lost it, and he made us storm out." I take a breath. Is the next bit something mum wants to hear? "But he went all cold as we got home and I haven't heard from him this morning. So, maybe he thinks they're right? Maybe he doesn't want this anymore."

"Well..." She starts. 


"He did say-"

"I know."

"So if he decides he doesn't want to date you..."

"I know."

"Sometimes, you've got to let them go, darling." There's a pause whilst I chew on her words. Then she says, "What's his family home address? I think I know a guy who can make a petrol bomb."

I laugh and she continues a slew of verbal attacks on them. Plots how to bring them down. It makes me feel loads better and a little homesick too. I have barely felt homesick since I got here, but suddenly I'd give anything to be with her, curled up in my own bed. Maybe I should go home for the weekend. 

Or would that just be me running away from my problems?

Mums mid plotting how to find the Nickleson family car and fill it with horse shit when there's a knock on my door. I know it's Jordan, it won't be anyone else. I contemplate ignoring him but then decide against it. 

Definitely, Maybe, Sometimes. | ✔️ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now