Chapter Twenty-Two

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The whistle for the start of the game goes and Bradley smashes the ball into the air with a kick.

Jordan jumps to catch it, but at the same time someone from the other team does too. There's a disgusting thud as the two bodies slam into each other.

"Bloody hell!" I yell, staring at the crumpled bodies on the floor.

Then Jordan gets up and runs after the ball but seconds later he's been slam dunked by a different player, then all the other players jump on top.

"Does it not hurt?" Kerry half-cries out.

Jayne, grinning like the maniac she is, starts explaining the rules of rugby to us. I don't know how the rules even seem important when someone is most likely going to have brain damage by the time it's over.

I barely even hear what the rules are. I sort of stand there like a limp bit of spaghetti, absolutely crapping my pants every time they smash into each other. I'm even worse when it's Jordan who flies across the ground.

I have to admit though, I'm rooted to the spot.

They move so fast, with so much determination and speed. It's a little bit sexy watching Jordan shove gigantic guys with no necks out the way.

The game continues with no injuries, much to my surprise and relief. When it's about thirty-minutes in, we're winning by one point and Jayne tells us it's almost half time.

"It's a shame," she says. "There's not as much action as usual."

My eyes almost ping out of my head, not as much action? They're literally fighting for their lives and she wants more?

It briefly occurs to me how the Romans quite happily let gladiators butcher each other.

"It's a bit nuts," Lynn says. "It's more violent than a bare-knuckle fight."

"Oh, yeah?" Reign asks. "Been to those often, have you?"

Suddenly, Bradley makes a break from the scrum, the ball firmly grasped in his hands. He moves like a bullet, burrowing through players as he avoids being taken down.

He gets about halfway across the pitch when three of the other team are on him, and he doesn't stand a chance. He throws the ball just before he hits the ground and Jordan catches it.

As if he was made for it, Jordan moves faster than I've ever seen anyone go. His eyes are set for the line and all the other players start charging at him.

"Oh my god!" I scream. "Run, Jordan. RUN!"

"Go!" Everyone else is screaming. "Get it!" - "Come on!"

Two players flank him but he smashes right through them and somehow moves faster. Just as he reaches the line, three players fling themselves at him. They all land together and you can hear the crunch from where we're stood.

He scored!

The crowd is going insane, everyone is screaming Jordans name. I jump up and down, cheering as loudly as I can. Some of the fan-girls give me a dirty look but I don't care.

I almost breakdown laughing at how reserved the players are. Bradley and Rory shake Jordan's hand as he lightly jogs with them.

"Well done, Jordan!" Kerry shouts.

He looks towards us, his eyes seeking me out and gives me a massive smile. I smile back with a thumbs up, feeling all soft and gooey over how happy he looks.

"Crikey," Jayne says, looking at me. "Keep your knickers on, we haven't even hit half time yet."

"Do you come to every match?" I ask her.

She nods.

"I'll be here too, then."

If I thought that was a wild ride, I'm not prepared for the second half. It's more like a controlled scrap than a fine sport.

They take each other down but that doesn't stop our team getting two more tries. They're not as elegant as Jordans were but they're still a win for us.

They start playing faster and meaner, crashing up and down the field, covered in dirt and mud.

"Not long left!" Jayne says.

"We're going to win!" Reign grins.

"Careful," Jayne warns, "The other side could claw it back."

Jordan vanishes under another pile of bodies, then someone chucks out the ball, and a guy from our team catches it. The players spread out, tossing the ball to each other constantly.

Forward, to the side, back. It goes everywhere.

Then Bradley makes a break for it, he swerves around the opposition, flying forward and then he kicks the ball up and over the line.


Everyone goes wild.

Everyone screams.

There's a bit of a wait and the final whistle blows.

"We bloody won!" Jayne screams, pulling me into her arms and kissing my head. When I look to the field, Jordans stood in the middle grinning directly at me.

I feel floored by the emotion of it.

As the game finishes and they come running off the pitch. He marches right up to me and pulls me into his arms. He's sweaty and messy and I literally do not care.

"You were fantastic." I tell him. "Scary but brilliant."

"Yeah?" He's grinning. "You think so?"

I nod.


Then Bradley pulls him off me, and they retreat to the changing rooms. I stare after them.

"Oh." Jayne says. "Girl has got it bad."

Reign laughs as she says, "So bad."

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