Chapter Fourteen

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Jordan is drunk. 

He is so drunk that I actually found him outside my room lying on the floor with his hand on my door handle. Rory was sat opposite him, back against the wall and eyes closed. 

It was a bit of a fright when I was going to do an early morning pee. At first I thought all the true crime I watch was actually about to happen to me, then I realised what the two human-shaped blobs were. 

"He was insistent." Rory slurs, dragging Jordan into my room. "Said he'd made some deal to come back here. Would not fucking shut up about it."  

I half-laugh. "Yeah. Come back at, like, nine. Not three in the morning."

Rory manages to throw Jordan on my bed and then takes a seat himself, leaving no space for me in my own room. They absolutely reek of cigarettes, B.O and alcohol. It's overpowering and disgusting. 

I head out to the kitchen and fill two pints with water and then bring them back to my room. I hand one to a bleary eyed Rory and then sit on the floor by Jordan's head who's fallen on his side and is sort of in the fetal position. 

"Jordan," I whisper. "You need to drink this."

"I reckon he's dead." Rory says. "Liver poisoning. God, we drank so much."

I stroke Jordans hair. "Come on, you need to drink this."

"Why are you smiling at him like that? Oh my God." Rory says. "You can't fancy him in this state! He's a fucking mess."

"No, I'm not." Jordan hisses out. "She fancies me no matter what, don't you Autumn?"

"No. You're disgusting. Drink this bloody water."

"Ohhh no," he whispers, still not taking the glass. "I'm sorry, Autumn. I'm sorry but they made me."

"I really don't care." I tell him. "Will you please drink the water?"

"No. I'm not worthy. I hope my liver is poisoned."

"Sad bastard." Rory breathes out, but he sounds like he's almost asleep. "The boy is whipped."

Silence. Nobody moves. I stay stroking Jordan's hair and when their breathing turns even I assume they're both asleep. Two grown men taking up my bed even though their own beds are down the hall. 

I have no idea where I'm going to sleep now. Maybe the sofa will do? I stand up to leave.

"Autumn?" Jordans voice slurs.




"No. It's nothing."

His tone says it's anything but nothing. I stare at his face, his eyes are still closed and his skin looks pale in the moonlight. There's something so troubled about his expression it makes my heart ache. 

"You can tell me." I say, taking a step towards him. 

He opens his eyes and looks at me. "I don't want to be just friends with you."

I'm rigid. There's a thrumming in my ears. "I didn't think we were just friends."

"Right, we're not, are we? The dating is real. Does it feel real to you?"

"Yes." I breathe out.

"The trouble is, I'm a real bastard and I don't think you know who I really am."

Confused, the only thing I can think to say is, "You're Jordan."

"I'm a twat."

"I don't believe that."

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