Chapter Twenty-Five

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Three months later.

We're in a club. All of us. Collectively.

Jordan is sat in a booth. There's a girl to his right who is hitting on him. He's leaning away from her, staring at me whilst I dance.

I don't mind that he's over there whilst I'm over here. A club isn't the place for the intensity of our relationship. It would feel phony to be together here. Like we're putting on a show, letting other people invade the most intimate and vulnerable part of us.

No one needs to know that we're together. We know and that's what's important.

Things are going well with us. During the day he always seeks me out at some point, a coffee in hand. Most evenings, he cooks me dinner and I tidy up. We put on music, and sing, and laugh, tactfully touching until we go to bed.

At night, he likes to take his time with me, the foreplay is always the longest part, until I'm aching for him - then he slowly plunders into me.

He never lasts long after I say, "I'm gonna come."

He makes a bid to stay awake after sex and we talk. He likes the way my brain works, he says. It makes him see things in a different light, opens him up in ways no one ever has before.

We talk about the state of the world, the books we're reading, the inner workings of a human brain. Our conversations get deep, but a real understanding flows between us. A synchronisation that's better than the best ballet dancers.

Sometimes the things we say connect us so much, we have to have sex again to really feel it.

It's surprised both of us, how much better the sex is the closer we feel to one another. I've always thought of sex as a separate act to love, because so many people do it without being in love. But with Jordan, it's all part of the same thing.

I asked him one night, a week ago, if sex for him is the same with me as it was with others and he said, "No. it's never been like this before."

He's really found his feet since the first night we had sex. Boys are desperate to be like him and girls are desperate to have him. He sort of the king of Uni. Definitely of the first years, anyway.

He has an army of guy friends to call upon, an entire rugby team that loves him, and a hoard of girls who are his fans.

I thought a bunch of girls eager for his attention would bother me but it doesn't. I know at the end of it all, he's coming home to my bed. That, and that every time I look over at him he's watching me, a small smile on his lovely, lovely face.

I know how Jordan feels about me now. I don't need him to race up to me in a nightclub to prove it.

I don't feel jealous over the girl that's talking to him because I know she doesn't matter. Through it all; even when we're an entire nightclub away from each other, it's just he and I.

"Jordan's doing it again," Kerry says.

"Doing what?" Reign asks.

"Looking at me." She replies.

Reign looks at her in horror and then back to me. I just smile. Kerry and Rory split off a while ago and since then she's developed a bit of a thing for Jordan.

I think because we don't flaunt what we have everywhere, she genuinely believes he and I aren't a thing. In many ways I feel sorry for her. In others, I kind of want to give her a good shake.

"You're joking right?" Nate says. "That's got to be a joke?"

Kerry frowns at him, "Why would I be joking?"

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