Chapter Twelve

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"I have something for you."

Jordan is changed into an equally nice shirt and drier jacket. We're in our common room. I've been sat reading whilst he showered to warm his bones and changed.

"The flowers were more than enough."

He sits down next to me on the black leather sofa and that beautiful warming scent fills my nose. The smell is starting to feel like home. "The flowers weren't a personal gift they were just a nice add-on. No, this is the gift."

He does something on his phone and then my phone pings. I look down, it's a link. I open it and it takes me to a Spotify playlist titled 'SONGS THAT REMIND ME OF YOU'. There is only one song on it - Green Eyes by Coldplay.

It is ironically (or not), one of my favourite songs. I have always wanted someone to dedicate it to me. I search my brain trying to remember if I ever told Jordan this but I don't think I did.

The lyrics of that song are embedded into my brain in a way nothing else is. For my fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth birthday, my wish was for someone to love me the way Chris Martin loved Gwyneth Paltrow (past tense, because they broke up). But I wanted (and still want) for someone to feel that strongly about me.

"Everyday a new song will be added. This way, on the days we don't see or talk to each other much, you know I'm still thinking about you."

My second wish, the one from the ages thirteen to fifteen was to find a real Augustus Waters and marry him. But Augustus Waters has nothing on Jordan Nickleson. Nothing.

I stare at the playlist. "Jordan, I-"

I glance up from my phone and whatever I was going to say is cut off by the way he's looking at me. So intense, so sensual. It occurs to me why they call it eye contact.

His eyes dart to my lips and his body slowly starts coming towards me. Then his face changes, and he's somehow asking me for permission without saying a word. He doesn't need to ask though, my body is speaking for me. I start to close my eyes, ready-

"Why are you back from your date so early?"

My eyes snap open and we jump apart, like two school kids being caught by their parents for doing something wrong.

Kerry and Reign are stood in the doorway looking at us. It's the only time I've ever wished Reign would spend some time in her own bloody halls.

"No," Jordan says smoothly. "We're heading out for part-two now."

My head whips around to him. "Part-two?"

"What happened in part-one?" Reign asks, wiggling her eyebrows. "Hookey nookey?"

Jordan stands, he hasn't looked at me since they came in. His tone is sharp and harsh. "Friends don't fuck, Reign."

My heart sinks. We're back to friends again.

"Sure," Reign says, pushing past us and dragging Kerry with her. "Whatever you need to tell yourself, Nickleson."

"Will do." He sneers, sarcastically saluting her as he walks past, storming out the room and not waiting for me.

"God," Reign stares after him. If he could have, he would have left a giant Jordan-shaped hole in the door, that's how fast he moved. "Why's he so pressed?"

I look at her, "I think we were about to kiss."

She grins. Happy to be right and happy for me. "Like the true friends you are."

I don't know why I do it, but I rush at her and give her a big slobbery kiss on her cheek. Then step back and smile at her. "Still friends?"

"Of course! I love you." Then she pushes me away from her, towards where Jordan just left. "Go and get your man before he turns catatonic."

I laugh as I walk to the door and she slaps my bum. All thoughts of wishing her away, gone. I wish she was here all the time. I really do love her. I haven't known her long but I love her.

I head out and down to Jordan who is waiting for me at the entrance of our block, face like thunder. I know it's annoying to have them interrupt but not enough to warrant the dark look on his face.

I shuffle towards him and only stop when we're practically toe-to-toe.

"What's wrong?"

He doesn't say anything at first, then turns to glare at me. "Did you text them?"

I blink. "What?"

"Did you ask them to bust in so we wouldn't kiss?"

Bloody hell. "No!"

His eyes roam my face, reading me, taking me in. That energy exchange between us is there, pulsating, growing stronger.

Next thing I know we're reaching for each other.

As my lips touch his, I hear him take a sharp breath. Then he melts into me and kisses me. Really kisses me. His tongue runs along mine in perfect rhythm. His hands roam over my body, I feel like I'm being electrocuted by his touch. Every part of me is ignited.

I didn't know kissing could feel like this.

He finally rests his hand on my neck, thumb on my face, caressing my jawline. In a brief break he moans my name before crashing his lips back down to mine.

I can no longer think. I am only able to feel - every part of me is feral, every touch feels like it's changing me. He pushes me up against the wall, holding me in place without breaking the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and grab fistfuls of his hair.

Our breathing is rapid, our chests heaving. When he pulls away I almost want to complain, but it's not long until his lips are on my neck trailing up and down. I've never felt so turned on. I didn't even know this was possible. 

He blazes up my neck and back to my mouth. A moan escapes me which makes him kiss me harder.

Then I remember we are stood outside our block. Literally in full view of everyone.

"Jordan." I say, but I don't sound like me. Deep and guttural. I hear the door to the block open and close. "Jordan."

"Yeah?" He murmurs, never really stopping. He kisses me on my cheek, on my temple, back to my neck.

"Don't you think it's a bit public?"

His head snaps back and he looks at me, deep and longing, then he sort of looks around. "Shit. Yeah."

"We could go upstairs?" 

"And give Reign the satisfaction?" We detangle from each other and he takes my hand again. "No. Let's finish this date."

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