Chapter Twenty-One

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"Of course Rory and Jordan are the star players." Kerry is saying as we traipse through a muddy field.

We're heading towards another muddy field, where the first rugby match of the year is taking place.

Lynn smiles. "The whole campus is talking about how amazing they've been in training. I think the turn out is going to be quite big."

Kerry says. "It's just so them, you know?"

I want to say 'them?' And ask her what she even knows about Jordan but I don't. I keep my mouth shut and focus on getting one foot in front of the other. Reign throws me a look.

"You'd think you'd have the cheerleaders here to cheer them on." Lynn remarks.

"We are here." Reign replies. "We might not be in uniform but we're here, are we not?"

"Did you know they have an Astrology Society?" I ask. "That's quite cool."

Kerry rolls her eyes, "Or extremely weird."

She's gotten a bit snotty since her and Rory have become a thing. She keeps saying how she's the only one of us whose managed to bag a man and she's in some imaginary competition with me, as I'm the only other one with anything near to a boyfriend.

It's like she thinks getting a boyfriend is the most important thing any of us can do. The highest order to achieve and truth be told, she's grating on me a bit.

"Are you going to the rugby match?" A voice calls from behind us, we turn to see a tiny, tiny girl with a really posh voice jogging towards us. She looks familiar but I'm not sure why.

"Will you walk with me, so I'm not the friendless freak?"

We don't get a chance to say anything before she is upon us. "My boyfriend is the captain, so I have to go to every match but my friends hate sports. Especially watching it. Can you believe that?"

I go to tell her I kind of can. I'm only going because of Jordan. I've never really cared about sports that much before. Even in school, we only really went to watch the fit boys play football, and ogle the ones from another school.

"I'm Jayne, by the way." She says.

Suddenly, I know who she is. The one always pressed into Jordan's side. The girl always with the rugby lot.

"Spelt with a 'y'. My mum is obsessed with Jane Eyre but didn't want me to be a plain Jane, so had to throw the 'y' in there. Now I'm forever having to correct people with how to spell my name."

She doesn't even pause for breath. Just keeps on talking.

"In an even more sickening turn of events, she named my brother Edward. Who is Jane's love interest. I hope she wasn't secretly hoping for some Flowers in The Attic shit to take place. My brother is a complete walking ick. He's absolutely revolting as a human."

I laugh and Jayne looks at me, "What's your name?"

"I'm Autumn. This is Kerry, Lynn, and Reign."

She looks us over, "A group of pretty friends with normal-ish names. You know what you need?"


She links her arm through mine. Reign has a massive smile on her face and I can see why, Jayne is kind of like her. Kerry and Lynn look completely baffled.

Jayne doesn't seem to notice. "You need friend with a bit of a weird name and pays no heed to any social etiquette whatsoever."

She pushes us forward and I can see in the far end of a gigantic field a group of boys stretching. I squint to see if I can make anyone out but I can't.

"Go on then, tell me." Jayne says. "How did you all meet? No, don't tell me - you were all friends at school and made a pact to come here together."

"No," Kerry says, without a hint of a smile on her face. She's giving Jayne a look like she's a horrible intruder. "We're in Halls together. Except for Reign, she made friends with Autumn and we sort of took her in."

"The people in my halls are weird." Reign adds. "They're all, like, old or something."

Jayne let's out a loud groan, loud enough that people also walking to the field glance-over at us, but she shouts to them as well as us.

"Don't look at me like that, what a traumatic experience Halls was. I moved out of there so fast you can call me Sonic. Honestly, they put me with all boys. One of them kept shitting in the shower when they got drunk. And none of them would clean it except me."

Reign and I laugh, Kerry frowns and Lynn looks like she's been hit by a stun-gun, which makes me laugh more. If I thought Reign was mental, I wasn't prepared to meet Jayne, and despite myself, I like her.

"I mean," she carries on. "Can you imagine waking up hungover only to find out Fat Bastard from Austin Powers has wondered into your shower in the middle of the night to take a giant dump?"

"Did you make a compliant?" Kerry asks.

"Did I? I literally went to everyone who would listen! The problem is - we couldn't work out who was doing it and my Rep explicitly advised me against putting a camera in the shower."

"Obviously," Lynn says.

"Well I didn't think it was obvious. Gollum was quite literally crawling around to release his bowls. I think there has never been more of a need for Covert Ops. Anyway, apparently it's illegal or whatever, so I didn't do it."

"So, what happened?" Reign asks, grinning.

"I got moved into a house with one other girl, who, bless her, doesn't speak any English. She seems nice enough but it's hard to make a best friend when all she can say is hello. I don't even know where she's from! When I asked her she just nodded and said something that sounded like 'yes'."

We've reached the edge of the field and I can see now that the stretching boys are from the other team. Reign wolf whistles at them causing a few to smile.

The boys don't phase Jayne. "You can probably tell it's been a traumatic few months for me. At least my boyfriend has been solidly by my side. He's a second year but we've been together since we were thirteen. Have you got boyfriends?"

Reign bumps my shoulder with me and says, "She kind of does."

"She's not with Jordan." Kerry says, before I can speak. "They're friends. That's all they've ever been. I'm with Rory."

"Who's Jordan?" Jayne asks. "Rugby Jordan? He's pretty fit to be fair. Bradley, that's my boyfriend, has been saying he's one of the best players he's seen. Probably a lot of pent-up anger, most rugby lads that are good have a chip on their shoulder of some sort. He's your boyfriend then?"

"No," I say, my voice small. "I don't know what we are."

Just then the crowd erupts and I see a group of boys running towards us. There's a big turn out, huge, and the noise is extreme.

We're stood over on the far left, with a bunch of other girls. Jayne tells us this spot is for the girlfriends and chosen fan-girls. It's because the boys run past us as they enter, and they can get a good luck kiss if they want.

Bradley stops first, scooping Jayne into his arms and giving her a big kiss. Some of the girls scream and the crowd gets louder. Only a few of the team greet the other girls.

Then Rory and Jordan appear at the very back of the line. Jordan's eyes clasp onto mine immediately, he looks wild, energised. There's something almost primal about him, and it's incredibly erotic.

"Good luck," I murmur, when he reaches me.

He gives me a smirk and strokes the side of my face, before running off onto the field.

"Just friends?" Jayne asks smiling, and I nod. "What other lies do you tell yourself?"

Reign coughs out a laugh. I don't respond, I just stare after Jordan.

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